Chapter 25 - Learning First Hand

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I am going to school early to surprise my Father.  I have gym first period and I am really excited.  I see Fell and sneak up behind him, while the other guys are staring in shock.  "What the fuck guys?"  Fell says.  "I'm back... Tough guy."  I whisper. Fell whips around and the look of horror on his face is priceless.  Fell then hugs me and I feel him shaking.  I smile softly at that holding him closer to me. "And the tough guy missed me."  I tease.  "Shut up!!!"  He sobs into my chest.  All of the guys hug me too.  "Pj..."  Fell says.  "Yeah?"  I answer.  The guys all move away.  "YOU FUCKING IDIOT!!! YOU ALMOST FUCKING DIED!!!"  Fell says punching me.  I take the punch then hug him.  "I missed you too Fell."  I say gently.  He hugs me tightly and I sigh before smirking.  "Fell..."  I say.  "What?"  He mutters.  "You're short."  I state.  The guys burst into laughter hearing that.  Fell is shaking and is laughing hard but there are tears slipping from his eyes.  "Woah... There's Blue... He's in a wheelchair."  I hear.  I turn and see Blue.  "Pj!!!"  He says.  "Hey Blue, how was getting here?"  I ask casually.  "It was alright, a few people came over and bullied me though."  Blue sighs.  "Remember once your back heals you are gonna kick their asses."  I laugh.  We aren't using nicknames or being lovey dovey like how we did while dating.  We are just friends again after all.  He smiles at me and I smirk showing him the baby in my arms.  Blue howls with laughter seeing Fell.  Fell blushes bright red and I whisper  "I'd go for her now."  I then wink to Blue and he nods at me smiling.  "Aren't you two dating?"  Fell mutters.  "We broke up a week ago."  I whisper.  He goes tense and gets all proud.  "You still got tears in your eyes."  I whisper wiping them away gently.  He blushes.  "Go get her."  I whisper.  Fell gets on the tough guy act and I roll my eyes.  "See you guys later, see ya Blue!" I say going to my assigned locker.  I put my stuff in it and I get my gym stuff.  The bell rings and now I am running late.  I sigh and start to head to class through the empty halls.  I make it to gym and then it goes quiet.  There is the sound of a clip board dropping.  "Pj..."  I hear.  I see Father in front of my classmates.  "Father... I didn't kick the bucket..."   I say nervously.  He runs over to me and hugs me tightly.  "I-I... They-They pronounced-nounced you dead-dead... I-I-I can't-n't believe-believe you-ou are-re-are al-ali-alive!!!"  He sobs into my shoulder.  I hold him tightly to me.  "Father... I am alright..."  I say rubbing his back.  "Is Mr. Error crying?"  I hear a girl say.  This is my first time seeing my strong angry father break down like this and to be honest, it feels nice.  'Father...'  I think before hugging him tightly.  "YOU-YOU ARE FUCKING-ING GROUNDED!!!"  Father shouts at me.  I sweat drop hard.  There is laughter filling the gym.  "I love you and missed you too, father."  I whisper to him and he relaxes.  "I love you too, PaperJam."  He says clearly.  I smile at him hearing that.

Time skip...

Father and I are at home and we are cooking together.  We are laughing and talking while drinking a few beers.  I feel happy at the moment and I put him in a headlock.  "I love ya old man."  I state.  "Pj!"  He laughs.  Apparently while I was gone he went through speech therapy to make teaching easier.  I let go of Father and he puts me in a headlock.  We separate as there is a knock at the door.  "I'll get it and you continue cooking, you girly girl."  Father says and I am left speechless.  "I'm going to poison your food for that!!!"  I laugh suddenly.  "I dare you to do it tough guy!"  Father says.  Then the words hit me in the face hard and I drop a knife cutting myself.  "OW! Fucking..." I start to mutter as I pick up the knife.  'Father and Dad use to joke around like that...'  I think.  'I always wanted to be able to joke around like that too...'  I add to my thoughts.  I wash the knife and clean my cut. I stir everything and before putting a couple bandaids on my cut. I cut up half an onion and add it to the meat. I put the other half into a plastic bag.  "Pj!!!"  I hear Father yell sort of distressed.  I set down my knife and I go to see Father being pinned to a wall by Trixy's mother.  I sweat drop hard. She sees me and her face goes bright red.  "Father... Why'd you let the crazy person in?"  I ask innocently.  Father sweat drops.  "Oh my little dear... Are you alright?"  She asks.  "I am fine... Are you alright?"  I ask.  Father is trying not to laugh.  'Die~'  I think cruelly.  Her eyes widen and she rushes over to me.  "Oh dear... Let me try to help again."  She says.  'Father... Help me!!!!'  I yell in my mind. 'Suffer~' He says thinking while going into the kitchen.  'WOW!!!!' I shout at him.  She backs me up into the far wall and she holds me to the wall and then I am frozen in fear remembering what Edge did.  I can feel myself shrinking into the wall in fear.  She leans forwards and kisses me and tears start to slip from my eyes as my soul begins to burn.  I am trying to brace myself against the wall as I feel something going down my throat.  'Pj!!! Move!!!'  I hear.  'I can't!!! She did something!!!' I say feeling more tears go down my cheeks. "Back off my son."  I hear. Suddenly the woman disappears and I am left shaking and I force myself to cough as I fall to my knees. I cough up Parasite eggs and I gag seeing them.  Father is staring in horror.  "What the fuck?"  He says.  I am trembling in horror as I cough out more.  "Oh god... I'm calling for an ambulance" he says.  He grabs a phone and grabs my hand as I continue to cough out more.  There is a knock at the door and I gag as there is something stuck in my throat.  Things are blurring together as I cough 'my lungs' out.  "Pj... They are coming you will be alright... You will be fine..."  Father says.  'I CAN'T BREATHE!!!'  I panic.  He pounds on my back and then there is a parasite crawling on the floor.  I gasp for breath trembling even harder.  I cover over my mouth feeling so disgusting.   "Pj... Pj! PJ!!!"  I hear someone shout.  I see Fresh, Father and three paramedics.   A police officer comes in and starts to kill them all off.  Father sees how I am frozen still.  "He won't move... And he cannot talk... That bitch did something!!!"  Father shouts.  "Paralyzation... It's a parasite venom transferred before the transferring process..."  Fresh mutters. "How can you remove it from the system?"  A paramedic asks.  I am starting to break down feeling myself trembling harder.  "Shit... Pj... Calm down..."  Father says.  "It is a traumatic thing he just went through...  I did the same thing when it happened to me the first time..."  Fresh says and he kneels down to in front of me.   He hugs me and I feel warm instead of freezing.  I didn't even feel myself get cold.  "You start by warming the victim and then you have to have all of the eggs removed and he managed to remove the parasite somehow."  Fresh says.  I lean into Fresh and wrap an arm around him, feeling safe.  He rubs my back.  Suddenly there is a blanket wrapped around me.  I rest my head on Fresh's shoulder feeling so safe.  I end up passing out on his shoulder.   

Discovering My Identity - PaperJam X Fresh (Underhigh fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now