Part Forty Five

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Ashton stayed beside Luke, making no attempt to make him move. It was obvious that Luke still may not walk away from this completely unharmed, but he was still alive.
Ashton's words to Luke consisted only of apologies and words of comfort. Ashton promised Luke that he would sort things out, not that Luke heard him.
He could have ended it. He could have killed Luke there and then. But he didn't.
He had had trouble accepting it at first, but this had come to show that Ashton cared about Luke. A lot. He'd just had a crappy way of showing it before. His desire to control Luke in every way had hidden the truth from him. Doing the job he did, it was very hard to form attachments to people. It wasn't that it was unsafe for them - Ashton rarely brought his personal life into work problems. But it was always difficult to explain. So Ashton didn't.
He held Luke tightly as they sat on the floor together. There was nothing else he could do.
The silence in the room was calming and not an awkward one. It was broken up silence, too. Luke was openly crying by now and had moved so he could hold onto Ashton better. Hugs weren't Ashton's forte to say the least, but he did it for Luke.
Ashton's reluctance to finish the job put both their lives at a huge risk, but he could deal with that problem if it came.

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