Chapter 1

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(You will need Google Translate, slight Lams, they are in college. Alex is the new kid. Laf's been there for the past year)

~Third Person~

Alexander Hamilton walked into the huge school. Today he would find his dorm, meet his teachers, and probably study. And meet people, which he was kinda bad at. He hoped that his high intelligence would put him with higher ranked people, and he hoped his dorm mate was nice, and smart. He looked at the small piece of paper that his schedule was written on. First he would go to his dorm and organize everything, and he was hoping that his roommate wasn't there.

I wish that this paper included stuff about my dormmate. I hate having to learn about people. He opened the door to his dorm slowly, unlocking it with a key. He yelped in surprise when a person looked back at him nervously.

The person yelped too, and quickly said; "Bonjour ! Je m'appelle Marquis De Lafayette!" He had a very strong thick accent. Hamilton sighed but quickly put a smile on his face. Great, he thought with a heaving sigh, a roommate who only speaks French, a language I'm not fluent in.

"Bonjour! My name is Alexander Hamilton. Can you understand it? English?" He asked awkwardly.

Marquis De Lafayette nodded quickly. "Most, can speak little." His french accent made the english words sound strange. Alexander sighed and ran a hand through his head. "Pouvez-vous comprendre le français?" He asked. Alexander shook his head, hoping he meant understanding French.

Marquis sighed and climbed onto the top bunk. "Bottom okay?" He asked. Alexander nodded quickly. At Least since he only spoke French he would stay out of Alexander's way.

"Are you from France?" Alexander asked. He might as well get to know this person. He answered quickly; "Oui, oui."

"What class first?" He asked another question. Lafayette smiled awkwardly, and a strand of hair escaped his frizzy, pulled back hair and flew into his face.

"English." Alexander smiled. "Marquis, how come you're in America?" He asked. Marquis rolled his eyes and muttered something in French under his breath.

"C'est juste Lafayette." He said, sounding offended. He started speaking his answer in French but stopped and looked the other way, looking frustrated at the fact that he couldn't speak English.

A sudden, loud knock on the door made Lafayette almost fall off his top part of the bunk bed, and Alexander jumped a little.

The door burst open and a smaller kid with freckles and wonderful blue eyes burst in, and immediately yelled, "Yo! What time is it!"

A taller, sturdier, intimidating man stepped in and he and Lafayette yelled; "SHOWTIME!" As loud as possible. Alexander fell off his bed onto the nearby ground.

The smaller one ran around Alexander and jumped onto Lafayette's bed. "Yo! I'm John Laurens in the place to be!" He was cut off by Lafayette pushing him off the bed, right onto Alexander, and Lafayette snickered.

"H-Hey! I'm John Laurens. Just John or Laurens, don't ever say those two words that are my name next to each other, kay? Sorry I kinda fell on you, Lafayette!" He shot Lafayette a glare.

"Désolé, mon ami!" He said to Alexander.

"Awwww, man Laf, now I can't scream my part. Sup, Laf's roommate. We're his friends. Name's Hercules Mulligan." He held out his hand. Alexander hesitantly took it. John looked at him smugly.

"I don't think Herc could even hurt a fly if he wanted to." Hercules gave him a glare and then smiled at Alexander.

"They're all super not straight, so if they flirt with you, tell me." Hercules winked and he whispered it to him. Alexander felt his cheeks getting red as he glanced at John. He was kinda cute. 

(This is kinda a sorta introduction crappy thing. Like I said, I made this on google docs and am copy and pasting it so weird chapter endings I guess. 660 words)

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