Part 16

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(Le Burrchild! Burrdosia~~~)

~I have nothing to do so let's have straight romance for once~

~Yes ladies and gentlemen, it's the burrchilds pov~

I walked to Theodosia's side. God, she was so pretty. She had long, dark, rich brown hair and a slender, beautiful face.

"Aaron.... What if someone catches us?" She asks. I shake my head.

"I never get to see you or talk to you. Your voice is the only thing that keeps me from going insane."

"Aaron, if someone sees us then they'd ask all these questions! They'd ask about my husband! He can't know!" I hear the fear in her voice. "But I'd do anything for you." She adds, and I hug her, feeling tears in my eyes. I'd do anything to make her only mine.

"Theo, I know I'm an arrogant little idiot who helps Thomas with bullying and I don't deserve you at all, but I love you. I'd do anything for you." I say to her and quickly wipe my eyes. You know, that's it. I'm not helping Thomas anymore. She nods and we kiss softly. It ends quickly.

"Aaron... I'll meet you here again tomorrow at the same time." I nod and hold her hand, then let go and she walks away. When I was sure she was gone, I walked over to a nearby wall and collapsed, my back against it.

Why was I crying? I need to stop. I need to stop. I'll see her again tomorrow. Why can I wait for anything but her? Find Thomas and leave his little gang. You don't have to be the bully.

I ran into Thomas and Thomas fell over with an oof. "Burr, why did you run into me this time. You didn't bring drinks!" He said, and his southern accent drove me mad.

"Thomas Jefferson, I will not be a part of your bullying and all the other bad sh-t you drag me into because I'm all done with your sh-t," I said forcefully.

"Well good, because I have some f---king news for you! I don't bully people like that anymore! Because, you know what, Madison was dying when we left him and Lafayette and his friends are the only reason he's alive!" Thomas yelled back, and I heard tears in his voice as he turned and ran away. I wonder where Madison was. Wait, he had almost died?

A stab of guilt ran through me. Thomas must have already been upset about something. Too late to do anything now. I honestly just feel like crying. I run to my dorm and thank God, no one is there. I collapse onto the bed and try to straighten my head.

(I had to make my Burrchild and TJeffChild look more innocent so yES DRAMA)

~Lee's POV~

I can't do this anymore. This stupid British kid keeps telling me about all this stupid emotional trash that happened back in Britain. Ew. "Kid, just shut up!" I said.

"Hey, just because I'm a little bit shorter than you makes me a kid and you not." He protested. Oml, his stupid accent is so annoying! (guys guys guys I have to make them old enough to get married and have children because oml I keep listening to dear Theodosia ;~;) (apparently that just ends there suddenly and goes into the next part) (oh well)

(word count: 557)

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