Part 31

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(john y u have an idea like dis)

(~Burr's POV because Burrchild needs moar love)

"Oh my God, Lafayette really is loaded with cash." Alex and Thomas scoffed at my amazement. The room was white and fancy, with gold scattered across the headboard. The bed was tremendous that--even though we are definitely, definitely, nono way not--we could all fit on it. "Damn, imagine the bed Laf and Herc share."

"Bet they've done a lot wi-" Thomas started but Alex cut him off.

"Uh, no dirty minds because I certainly don't want to even think about becoming dirty with you two--oh my God, I'm going to puke if this conversation continues," Alex said, swallowing hard, most likely trying not to throw up right then. I shuddered in disgust.

"Us three dating? No. Never happening." I mumbled. "And Alexander, Lafayette will probably literally slice you in half if you throw up in here," I warned and Alex nodded.

"Can you please throw up then? You too Burr!" Thomas half-joked. Alexander sarcastically 'ha-ha'ed and I rolled my eyes.

Time went by and we all did things. I read a book on law, Alexander wrote another five essays, and Thomas tried desperately to solve a Rubix cube, and he was failing something fierce.

"Alexander, teach me how to make this stupid toy work," Thomas ordered, and Alex looked up from his writing, glaring over his glasses.

"Do you have any manners, young man?" Alex snapped back sarcastically.

He smirked and said "Please, oh please." in the most dramatic and sarcastic way possible. I have to admit, when I wasn't included in these fights, they were pretty funny.

Alexander grabbed the cube and solved it in less than a minute. "There, genius. Now leave me be--wait, it's almost four? We'd better split up the food--FAIRLY." He yelled the last part as Thomas ran over to the pile of goodies. I didn't realize how hungry I was.

"Burr, don't touch those cookies or I will make fun of your last name all night!" Alexander threatened as I reached for a bag of cookies. Thomas snatched half the pile and ran to a corner, while Alexander grabbed the other half.

"Alexander, you said fairly!" I cried--not really cried, because I'm really, really mad at him but also hungry.

"Sorry, Burrsir." Alexander pulled his food closer and returned to frantically typing.

"Thomas?" I asked, and he flipped me off a response. I stepped towards the door. "I'll tell Lafayette that you spilled crumbs on his darling floor!" I warned, taking an empty bag of cookies and spilling the crumbs on the floor.

"You. Wouldn't. Dare." Alex challenged but as I opened my mouth to scream dramatically, Alexander tackled me and put his hand over my mouth.

"From where I'm sitting, you have no idea how wrong this looks!" Thomas laughed while eating all the cookies he could.

"F-ck off, Thomas," Alexander said dryly.

"Alexander, if you choke me to death I swear I wi-" He cut me off.

"Oh, ha-ha. I'm so scared." He got off of me, though. Thomas smirked.

"Aw, no make out session between you two? I'm disappointed." Thomas sneered. God, he's so annoying!

Alexander hit his arm and I crossed my arms and rose an eyebrow. "Why don't you do that with Alex, Thomas?" I snap back at him.

Thomas smiles and his eyes sparkle with evilness and just... urg. "If you insist!" Within seconds, he had Alexander pinned against a wall and kissed him for less than two seconds before falling to the ground dramatically.

"Holy sh-t, Thomas, YOU F-CKING IDIOT MOTHERFUUUUUUUUUUUU!" Alex screamed while Thomas laughed.

(mmm thank jamilton fanfics for that loaf yall 636 words)

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