Part 6

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(Jeffmads! It's way shorter now XD. Poor smol Madison bean)

Lafayette whipped out his phone, clicked on something, and threw it to me. I caught it. Lafayette tried soothing James Madison.

The contact read MacAndCheeseIdiot. So it was Jefferson.

Me: Idiot you left a member behind and he may be dying

MacAndCheeseIdiot: where's madison tell me this moment or else

Me: Outside Miss Rose's classroom

MacAndCheeseIdiot: dont let him die

Me: We're trying

~Thomas's POV~

I raced down the hallway as quick as I could. No. Madison wouldn't die. No. No, no, no, no, no! I turned left and collapsed on the floor next to Madison. I hugged him. I didn't even realize I was crying. Whatever, they can make fun of me if they want. The only thing that matters is Madison. "Madison, please don't die. Just oh please don't die." I cried as he kept coughing.

I called 911 and tried to talk to Madison, but he couldn't reply. "Oh my God please you cannot die, no, no, no, no..." The ambulance arrived and Madison was rushed out, but I was told to stay behind.

Alex and his friends didn't say anything to me, and that was alright because I was kinda freaking out and crying a whole bunch because I didn't know if he was alright or alive even and I didn't even tell him that I've loved him for the past year and a half. I cried into my hands, my cane on the floor.

Madison must have wondered why I didn't text him after we abandoned him. Oh my God this is all my fault. "Oh Lord, please don't die tonight Madison. I love you too much." I whispered.

~Alex's POV~

"Is that really Thomas Jefferson crying?" I ask in a whisper, looking over to Thomas, who had his head in his hands and was shaking.

Lafayette nods and looks down. "He is my family, even if I don't want him to be..." Laf walks toward Thomas and Thomas immediately pulls him into a hug, making loud sobbing noises. Herc joined Laf, but didn't really go near Thomas or say encouraging things to him like Laf was.

"I'm sure he'll be fine," Laf repeated to Thomas. Aaron Burr raced in and looked down at Thomas and then quickly left.

I almost ran after Aaron, because that was really mean. I sat down next to Herc. I tried doing something nice, but it's hard to suddenly be nice to your enemies who always argue about you. Thomas's phone dings.

Madison<3: I can come back now

Me: oh thank goodness do you need a way back

Madison<3: yes actually, that would be nice.

"Why does Madison have a heart after his name?" John said, in the most curious and kind way he could. Thomas's face went red, which never happens, even when he's flirting with people, from which I saw.

"I-It's none of your business." Thomas half snapped-half said embarrassed. He got up and raced outside.

"Well, that was fun. Laf and I are gonna go back to the dorm and watch a movie. You guys should actually really go to history, so you can tell us what happens." I said to them, but I quickly stressed the fact that they had to go to history.

John reluctantly agreed, hugged us goodbye, and dragged Herc to history. I helped Laf back to our dorm, he was still shaky after what all happened today. I ordered him to lay down and I washed my face with hot water and then cold water, sending a cold shock through me.

I sat next to Laf and turned on a movie, but then I had an idea. A surprise for my friends. I raced out the door, saying a quick goodbye and don't worry to Laf. I watched Laf pull out his phone as I left.

(I live off of Jeffmads and how sassy Jefferson and King George is. Comment please, dearies! I love hearing your voices! Word Count: 657)

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