Part 8

375 9 24

(Mullette, Lams, and Jeffmads for you lovely people ;))

~still laf's POV because I've he's confessing his love and I have idea dudes IDC if the prices aren't right just pretend lafayette loves it and it's really expensive~

I rush down to the cafe for my three Latte Macchiato at Starbucks. Unfortunately, Herc and John were already there. Alex was getting ready when I left. I sighed and prepared myself for the poking. "LAFFFFFFFFF WE'RE DYING OF IMPATIENCE TELL USSSSSSSS!" Herc and John yelled.

"Alex isn't even here yet, calm down."

"HERE HE COMES!" Herc yelled and the waitress looked like she wanted him to shut up but was too nervous to come near the shouting man and John on the table, and Alex literally running.

"Where's the games?" I whisper to him.

"There are no games, there are groceries." I roll my eyes and sigh.

"LAF TELL US!" "LAF C'MON!" "LAF YOU CAN DO IT!" They all started screaming until at the same time they all yelled; "WHO IS IT LAF!?" I sit down and nervously look at them. I shut my eyes. Whew. You can do this, Laf.

Just say it. Speaking isn't hard. Marquis De Lafayette, just admit it. I manage to mumble something that sounded more like Sonny Scalia, and then quickly just blurted out my answer.

"Hercules Mulligan!" I didn't open my eyes again. I didn't want to know their reactions. Especially Herc's. But then I feel someone lightly kissing me and my eyes bolt open. It was Hercules.

"Oh, my lordie..." I say and trail off, still kinda in shock. John looks like he's dying of laughter and happiness and Alex is clapping and smiling.

"Boy, do you know how long I've wanted to do that?" Hercules is smiling so wide and looks so goofy. That's who I fell in love with.

"I'VE SHIPPED IT FOR SO DAMN LONG IT FINALLY HAPPENED!" John yells from a top of the table and now the waitress is laughing. I realize my cheeks must be really red.

"Uh, so we're all fine with this...?" I ask nervously. John quickly nods and squeals in excitement, and Alex nods. And of course, Hercules's face is red as he nods.

Alex suddenly stops John and gets him to sit down, and kisses him. "John Laurens, I forgot to forbid you from stealing my heart, but you've done it and I do not believe I regret it." John's face is red and he's smiling and is actually quiet for once.

~Thomas's POV because I need more jeffmads in my life~

I helped Madison into my car. I knew he hated being called his first name, James. "Madison, are you okay?" I asked I couldn't help but notice how sick he looked.

"When am I ever okay...?" I thought I heard him mumble, but he answers; "Yes! Of course..."

"Madison, I was really freaking worried about you. I-I'm so sorry we left you behind but the teacher was about to catch us so I just had to run." I look out the window and blink away a shimmer of tears. If Alex's friends weren't there, would he have died? No, I'll watch over him better. This won't happen again.

"Madison.... Um... I wanna tell you somethin'." I stop the car so I can look at him. Yes, I may be an annoying little butt, but I do follow driver safety. (EVERYONE FOLLOW DRIVER SAFETY RIGHT NOW BECAUSE YOU SHOULD BE BETTER THAN THOMAS JEFFERSON).

Madison nods, and I kissed him. It was quick and short and he hid his face in his sweater immediately, his face instantly red. My face was red too. "Oh my God, Madison, I love you." I say.

Madison gets redder as he says; "I love you too, Thomas..." We end up kissing again and we have to stop until we get back home because it's getting dark and I hate driving in the dark.

(There ya go, dearies, ~ Comment, please! Enjoy~ Word count: 666)

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