Part 10

340 5 12

(Slight Kingbury, Mullette, dabbing)

~um um let's do a new pov, Samuel Seabury~

I raced into The King's room. There he was, sitting on his throne. Oh my God, he's so perfect. Britain is perfect.

"Sammy!" He cried, running up to me. I hated being called anything but my last name unless it's the King. We've been close, and I'm so glad because I kinda love him.

"Your Majesty!" I cry and we hug.

"Please, I told you, when it's you it's Georgy or KG!" I nodded quickly and Georgy waved the guards away. "Guess what, Sammy!?" He sounds so excited! He interrupts me before I can say anything. "You're going to America with these papers I made!" I gasp.

"Really!? Me!? But.. what about you...?" I know that he would be sad he doesn't get to go on a mission. He keeps smiling excitedly, though, and he runs across the room to a big map and points at America.

"I'll be here, calling you, while you tell everyone how good I am and how much better Britain is!" He hugs me again, even though I'm much shorter than him. (gosh why am I struggling to write so much)

"Sammy, Sammy! The plane is here! Call me! Call me, and go and spread the Word! Come back to Britain!" I want to cry somewhat because what if they kill me and I never get to have Georgy love me more than a close friend?

Yet I leave right that moment because I don't want to upset him, and get on the plane. One problem, though, I'm afraid of heights. But I go in and watch the door close behind me, Georgy waving goodbye.

~I'm out of stuff to happen now~

~Let's be Herc again~

I raise my head like I'm about to do the last thing I'm ever going to do before I die and dab really quickly. I feel a pillow slam into my face. Yup, Laf hates that.

I fake a cough and pretend to gasp for air and then get comfy on the floor and fall asleep because it is really dark outside. I fall asleep really quick.

~Alex's POV yes I know that was quick~

I see Laf practically teleport onto the ground next to Herc, and he looks pretty dead so I pull out my phone ready to call 911. John starts freaking out until we hear Herc's snoring.

"OH MY GOD WHAT THE F---K HERC, I THOUGHT YOU WERE DYING!" Laf screams and hits him in the face with a pillow so hard he wakes up.

"HERC MON DIEU I HATE YOU I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD!" Laf cried. Herc blinks and then hugs Laf.

"Now, what would have killed me?"

"Oh, I don't know, the unhealthy amount of STUPIDITY in you!"

"My sweet little French bean calm da fudge down."

"Are you ever lucky I love you."

"Love ya too."

' "Tu es toujours une salope, cependant."

"Love ya too, you big French dork who knows we can't understand French."

"Guys..." John says, "I may have called 911..." I hear Laf mumble the French equivalent to 'sh-t' and Herc roll his eyes.

~John's POV because it's all his fault for once~

I look at the door. I suddenly jump because someone's banging on it. I look at my friends and open the door, and two officers are standing there.


"We got a call."

"From here?" I ask nervously.

"Yes. Where's the dying one?"

"O-oh, u-um, f-funny story..." The officers close the door and leave. I collapse to the floor, guilt flowing through me in waves of pain. (Don't ever call the Police if it's a joke!)

(yeah, so that happened. This is kinda crap and short. Comment~ Word count: 621)

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