Part 28

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"OH, SHIIIIIIIIIIIoot. Uhm, Madison, we left our car and the keys way-way far away, because we took a taxi for fun over to the city, then walked the rest of the way.... So there's no way into the house. I'm so sorry. Maybe you could dro- oh no, I don't have money either..." I could hear the panic in Rosa's voice.

"Don't worry Rosa. I can either pay for a hotel for you guys or you could stay at my house. But to do that you'd have to sleep in the living room..." I offered. I really didn't want to pay for three people to get into a hotel.

"I don't want to waste your money. We could stay in your living room. Heck, you could shove these two into a closet and they--no, no, no, don't use a dirty mind on that closet part. Ahem, and they could sleep." She said, watching my face shift. You cannot, I repeat, cannot live with Thomas Jefferson and not be infected with his dirty mind.

(GUYS GUYS 51 PAGES YES YES YES only Katie will get the reference but yES!)

I pulled up to the house and helped a now very tired Thomas out of the car, and he walked slowly with no energy, which is very unlike him. I went over to help him, but raced back over to catch Pillow before she fell because Rosa was already struggling to keep Lillian up."Oh, my goodness, why'd I let them drink..." Rosa mumbled and gave me a smile.

"I should know better than to let Thomas drink however much he wants. Imagine the struggles Alexander is having with John. He drank the most."

"Yeah. Again, I'm so sorry for having to stay at your place." She apologized again.

"It's perfectly fine. But can I ask you something?" She nodded. "Why don't Lillian and Thomas like, interact in any way?" She sighs.

"On her first day of college, she and Thomas got into a fight. She boasted at how he looked frightened and confused when she 'roasted him dead' in the middle of the hall. Then I think it was you who called him over. Did you not see Lillian that day?" She explained.

"No, but I did call Thomas because I was scared of the school and all the new people. He didn't care much then. I guess that makes sense. Thanks for telling me."

Rosa dipped her head and we went inside, getting everyone to lay down. Thomas decided to just sleep on the floor, which I was fine with. I sat down on a small chair, Rosa falling asleep on the couch, while Lillian and Pillow were on the floor. I heard soft snores from everyone and pulled up my sleeve, then pulled it back down quickly. I could probably fall asleep on the chair if I wanted to because I don't really want to go and sleep in the bedroom while everyone is out here. Especially if Thomas wakes up and he and Lillian start fighting.

I eventually fall asleep but wake up to someone groaning. It's Thomas, and I wake up instantly and look at him. He must be suffering from another bad headache. That happens whenever he's stressed out, failing miserably, or was drunk (you can thank my book for his headaches<3). "Thomas, are you okay?" I whisper to him quietly.

"Oh, I'm perfectly fine, Madison. No, my head hurts so bad. Oh, ow, ow, ow." He keeps mumbling ow. I ran my hand lightly over his forehead.

"Oh Thomas, you know this happens every time you drink." He sighed and sat up, but quickly put his hand down so he wouldn't fall. "I'll get some medicine. By the way, we had to take Lillian, Pillow, and Rosa home, but then I ended up just letting them stay here. It was my decision." I saw his eyes narrow.

"Lillian?" He echoed. "Why did you let her stay!" He suddenly yelled, and Rosa leapt to her feet.

"Oh. Why are you yelling?" Rosa said. Thomas pouted and his hand flew back to his forehead as he winced.

"He didn't know about me letting you guys stay, and has a headache from the drinks." I saw her nod as I looked back at Thomas who was groaning in pain again.

"We can leave if you want." Rosa walked over to Pillow to wake her. I shook my head and cut Thomas off.

"You can stay until after breakfast. Right Thomas?" He reluctantly nodded. I put my hand on his head, smooshing his poofy hair. I didn't know I could be this much taller than him, but then again, he is sitting down and slouching.Thomas groaned louder but didn't move even though I know he hates it whenever someone is taller than him.

Rosa thanked us and woke the others up--quite forcefully, I might add, threatening them with cold water.

I pulled out my phone because it started dinging like crazy. Same with the girl's phone, and Thomas's. "Oh my God, tell them to shut uppppppp!" Thomas complained, putting his phone on silent. We all did the same.

(mmmmm 859 words)

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