Part 30

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(whooooo bad ideas)

I looked over at Thomas, .and his face literally read I'm-so-f-cked. "I'm going to be locked in a room with Alexander and Aaron. ALEXANDER AND AARON!" He screamed, and now I feared for his sanity.

"Oh my God someone better record this! I'll pay them twenty bucks!" Lillian said, and Pillow nodded frantically behind her.

"Three enemies locked in a room together, whatever shall they do? Oooh, the owner of the house hears a pleasurable sound from inside the room, they open the door and what do they see?" Pillow fantasized with her dirty mind.

"Me murdering Alexander while Burr is dead on the floor, that's what Laf'll see," Thomas grumbled, flustered by the idea of him dating Burr and Alexander.

"You'd better not cheat on me, Thomas!" I half joked, and the girls laughed. Rosa stepped forward to say something.

"Thomas, you'd better not kill them, or else you'll have Theo and John on your tail!" Rosa warned and Thomas's eyes widened.

"Holy sh-t, that would be terrifying. That should be a horror movie." Thomas laughed, getting up and smiling at Rosa. Woah, damn. She's even friends with Thomas.

"Thomas, they said Laf's in six minutes. Uhm, no offense, but you're hair isn't--what do you call it--'on fleek' today." I told Thomas and he jumped to get a brush and it took him literally five seconds to get his hair to look absolutely stunning.

Group: Locking TJeffs, AHam, and ABurr together guys they are going to destroy my house abort mission I repeat abort mission for the sake of my house guys

JMads: Lafayette its no use, they're the most stubborn people in the universe.

TJeffsIsLeBest: So how long am I gonna be locked up in the depths of h-

JMads: Thomas, they're not that bad.

TJeffsIsLeBest: Suuuuuuure

Ilikedemturtles: So I was thinking all night holy f-ck are you trying to kill me John Laurens

Ilikedemturtles: Alex, if you abandon the challenge then Thomas and Aaron winnnn! Same to the rest yall

TJeffsIsLeBest: I ain't lettin em win

(AaronPurr has changed his name to AaronGunnaBeatChu)

Theo: Yes! Burrs for the win!

AaronGunnaBeatChu: ooooooooooooo yeah imma beat chall

( has changed his name to iNeverBackDown)

iNeverBackDown: we'll see about that, Burr!

TJeffsIsLeBest: HA! Imma win! Let's all stfu and pack then!

Thomas put down his phone and I saw him literally go into the bedroom and change in five seconds, and then after ten seconds, he came out with all his stuff in a small, childish backpack. "Mads, you're driving!" He threw the keys at me. "Au Revoir ladies!" He called to the girls but their faces said dude-this-is-your-house-not-mine. I caught the keys and the girls got on a bus.

I drove down to Lafayette huge house and Thomas leaped out, grabbing a pair of his 'swag' glasses and racing up to the door. It swung open and Lafayette sighed. "Bonjour, Jefferson." He said flatly, and I forgot how thick his accent was.

Thomas strutted in bright velvet, holding his sassy little cane, into the house with me behind him. I don't know what it is, but big houses always scared me.

Huh. Wonder if that's because my childhood was in a big house. Enough about that. So Alexander was smirking while Aaron looked genuinely scared, with Theodosia at his side. John was smirking and blushing while he whispered to Alex, and Alex blushed and laughed.

Thomas sat down sassily next to Theodosia, who silently inched awkwardly more toward Aaron, so much so that she was almost pushing him only to Alexander. "Thomas, you'd better not even think of flirting with Theo," Aaron warned in a deep, scary voice.

"Suuuuuure, Aaron. So are we ready to be locked up so I can suffer in the pits of h-" I cut Thomas off again?

"Thomas, you'll live. So, let's get them locked up. At Lillian, Pillow, and Rosa's command, I'm setting up a recording camera. Plus I think John, Theo, and I would like to see if the boys end up kissing like Pillow fantasized." Theo and John nodded quickly, while Alex slammed his face into a very expensive pillow, Burr groaned, and Thomas fake gagged. (guys tell people to stop making me want to ship Alex and Thomas like ohmygod its like they want something to happen in dis room oops)

I lock the door so that they can't escape. We loaded it with food and it has a bathroom in it, so they'll be fine.

(mmmm 737  words whooo)

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