Part 14

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(Seabury and Jeffmads whooooooo!)

~Madison's POV~ I looked at Thomas, he was just waking up. Would he even appreciate a gift? He said he loved me that one time. But nothing has happened between us since then. "U-uhm, Thomas?" I asked. Thomas spun to me and smiled, and I realized he had something behind his back.

I quickly grabbed a wrapped gift that I was standing in front of and held it out to him. I closed my eyes and looked down.

"Oh my God, Madison. You actually got me something! I've never gotten anything for Christmas ever!" Thomas's eyes lit up and he smiled. I love him.

Thomas held out what he was still holding behind his back with one hand. It was the most beautiful batch of flowers I'd ever seen. I grabbed them and held them closely, while Thomas unwrapped his gift. "New headphones! You're so awesome! Even though the best gift of all would be you~" Thomas flirted.

My face gets red from blush easily and so I turned around so that he wouldn't see the worst of it. "You're adorable when you blush, Mads," Thomas said, grabbing my shoulders and turning me around. He leaned down and kissed me, and I dropped the flowers so I could hug him.

~I ship Jeffmads so much <3 oki now let's be Seabury's POV~

I walked off the plane. Man, was it ever a long flight. Especially since we had to turn and make a surprise landing in whatever the place was.

Unimportant. I've got work to do in New York! For the love of my life, Georgy! I can do this. Luckily I'm really good at English terms and crap.

I race off into the city and immediately look at the big school scribbled on a note Georgy gave me. "Prepare yourself, America, Britain will rule everything!" I yelled, racing into the school. I quickly signed up, and they told me my dorm was down next to a mister Alexander Hamilton's. She said I had History and that I would choose my major later. I ran to my dorm and watched as another kid quickly grabbed his books frightenedly.

He then growled and threw his books down. "Charles Lee."

"Samuel Seabury. Please, Seabury only. Happy to meet you, Charles." I said, trying to be as polite as possible, but he was glaring at me, and that made that hard.

"Lee, if I have to call you Seabury. Why are you even here? You wreak of Britain. And your accents disgusting." He spat. I felt the hair on the back of my neck raise.

"How dare you! Britain is better than this dump! The king is better than whatever you have here!" I spat back. Apparently, Christmas wasn't anything special for this guy. Good, because I wouldn't give him anything if it was.

"I'm going to spread the word, Georgy, and then I'll come back and I'll confess my love for you and hopefully you'll love me back. I'll do whatever it takes..." I whispered and laid down on the top because Lee was already on the bottom, even though I'm scared of heights.

I woke up to Lee slamming the door shut on a girl. "Hey, what's going on?" I ask. Lee scoffs and looks up at me as I climb down, very scared because it's so dangerous to climb off of high things. He looks at me quickly. He's been crying!

"Nothing. Just stay out of my way, lil' British piece of sh-t." Lee snarled, and I couldn't catch any trace of sadness in his voice.

"Listen, who was she?" I ask, trying to sound nice and supportive.

I actually catch a glint of sadness in his voice. "My stupid little sister. No big deal."

"So why'd you slam the door on her?"

"If you stay out of my business, I'll stay out of yours." His sharp, snarling voice was back fully.

Maybe I could help him.

Would I? I don't think Georgy would care if I did. Maybe.

Maybe I could actually help.

(I want to ship them but I ship Sammy with georgy so much oml)   (<---- the struggles I faced when writing it. Next one is more Lillian and Pillow. Bai loves! Word count: 709)

Hamilton Modern Day AU (Lams, Mullette, Jeffmads, Kingbur, Leebury, ect.)Where stories live. Discover now