Part 13

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(Hello guys! I've had some troubles with publishing and Wattpad and stuff. Mullette, Jeffmads, and Lams!)

~uhm uhm uhm let's be Thomas because I loaf my child~

I race out with a fake flower, but almost miss Alex as he's walking to class. I hit my cane on the floor in front of him so he stops, and he gives me the what-the-f-ck-do-you-want-now look.

I push the fake flowers into his hands and drop to my knees. "Alexander Hamilton? Will you be my wife?" Alex just looks around for someone. Probably John or something.

Alex smiled and I immediately knew this was an f---king mistake. "Why sure, my darling Thomas!" He took the candy ring and shoved it on his middle finger and flipped me off, then ran.

Whatever, who cares I can't prank anyone worth crap ;~;

~I interrupt dis prank war because these fanfic Christmas's are really fudging cute~

~John's POV~

"ALEXITSCHRISTMASWAKETHEF-CKUP!" I yelled, jumping onto Alex again. Lafayette was staying with Herc, so I just stayed with Alex for the night.

"Oml I'm trying to sleep, John..." He protested, but then I reached for his feet to tickle him and he launched out of bed. "DO NOT TICKLE MEH."

"I got you presents, now you a-s, get up and open them, or I WILL tickle you!" I warned him and he launched to the floor, sitting with his legs crossed like an excited child.

I handed him a new computer. "You're always writing, so why not write on this instead?" I said. He looked at me and kissed me immediately.

"I got you something too~!" Alex said, and I was immediately hugging him. But, when he pulled out a turtle I about freaked out and showered him with hugs and kisses. And of course, the turtle got a lot of kisses.


(So whenever you see Group: Hamilsquad it means that it's the group chat with John, Alex, Laf, and Herc.)

Group: Hamilsquad

AlexanderWriteALot: Guys I got him a turtle and he loves it he's so damn cute.

SmolFreckleChild: I LOVE IT I LOVE IT I LOVE IT (I got Alex a computer)

AlexanderWriteALot: And I love it! It's so much faster and I can type more in less time!

~Meanwhile In Laf's POV~

I immediately jumped to my feet, singing Adele songs until Hercules woke up to the music and started singing with me groggily. I had to admit, his voice sounded much better than my strong french accent tinted voice with the song.

"Okay, my sweet french cinnamon roll, let's open the crap we got for each other!" Hercules hugged me and, mon Dieu is he ever the person who hugs too tightly. I handed him a very neatly wrapped present, and he opened it and looked at me happily. Mon Dieu, he's so freaking cute.

"LAF OH MY GOODNESS GRACIOUS THANK YOU I LOVE YOU!" He unwrapped his new phone, which I already programmed out of boredom and looked at the texts. "Alex got a new computer and John got a turtle!" I pulled out my phone too.

Group: Hamilsquad

FrenchBread: I haven't opened mine yet but its like huge im kinda scared

<One image of a huge 'wrapped' present attached>


SmolFreckleChild: awwwww

AlexanderWriteALot: That's adorable. Open your gift Laf, we wanna know what it is!

I walked over to it and opened it, well more or less. I tore off the wrapping paper until I could tell what it was. A pile of pillows! I jumped onto the pillows and started organizing them, putting them everywhere excitedly. Don't ask me why I love pillows so much, I just do. But when I pulled the final one off, there was a tiny box. (don't yell at me about it's not even been a year ITS MY FANFIC, also yes my child Seabury has to appear oml)

I gasped and Herc dove for the box and then sat one knee.

Oh, my God.

Holy sh-t.

He went to open the box.

"Marquis De Lafayette, would you want to marry me?" He opened the box, showing a fake ring that was still adorned with fake jewels. "In the future? For sure?" I hugged him. Yes, those are tears falling out of my eyes.

"Of course! I love you!" Me and Herc then began to kiss.

Group: Hamilsquad

FrenchBread: He proposed to me !!!

SmolFreckleChild: HOLY SH-T!!!!!!

AlexanderWriteALot: Damn.

HercULESMULLIGAN: Yeah now we just have to wait three years and buy a real ring

FrenchBread: <3 <3

<FatherWashington has been added to this chat>

FatherWashington: Wait, what? Why was I added to this?

AlexanderWriteALot: Because your French child and your Hercules child are getting married. In the future, of course, but now they have to or else their shamed and have bad luck for the rest of their lives and we'd probably kill them.

FatherWashington: HOLY SH-T

FatherWashington: i mEAN HOLY CRAP

<FatherWashington has left the chat>

I leaned in and kissed Hercules again. This was the best day of my life.

(idek anymore XD im having a lil panick attack for nO FRIKIN REASON AGAAAIN and so typing is difficult cuz im all shaky and crap oh well loaf yall au reviour comment dearies! Word count: 861)

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