Part 18

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(duels. Nuff said. leebuy boi. sad lil john. Lams. ideka)

~J. Laurens POV~

"oH, MY SH-T DID I REALLY JUST GET INTO A DUEL!?" I yell at Alex. Alex grabs me and hugs me.

"Listen, John, you won't die. Not on my watch!"

"But I don't want to kill Lee!"

"You won't. Aim for the side. Shoot first. That'll scare him and he won't shoot. And if he does, then the bullet won't reach you."

I look at Alex. I'm very very scared. "I won't allow you to take the bullet for me, Alex, because if I die then you can live on happily."

"I won't live happily without you!" He cries, and we hug again, and I kiss him. "C'mon, Charles is probably already there."

"Thank you for sticking with me, Alex. I-I love you," I say to him.

"I love you too. Now don't scare me with all the lovey talk, you. Are. Not. Dying. Today." He says to me and I nod.

Lee is there, standing against a tree, swinging his gun. Burr and Seabury are next to him.

~Katie will know this but is happening~

I shoot my gun blindly. I don't know if I missed, hit him and killed him, or just scratched him. I open my eyes and Lee screams in pain. (guys I love lee this is painful for me) Blood is pouring out of his side and Seabury is squeezing his hand.

The doctor rushes and tries to help Lee. They go to the hospital.

"Oh my God, what did I do!? What if I killed him!? Oh my God, no!" I wail to Alex when we reach our apartment.

~My angry smol bean of injured ness, Lee~

I wail in pain and Seabury is at my side, and Burr is glaring at the door of the hospital. God, this hurts so much. I look at my side, and blood is dripping through the bandages. "Ow ow ow ow...." I cry to Seabury.

"I-it's okay. It's all okay. R-Right Burr?" Seabury asks. Burr nods but doesn't talk.

"I'm going tO F---KING DIE ITS NOT OKAY!" I scream. Seabury leans into the doctor's ear and the doctor smiled.

"He'll be okay. Shock is awful. He can go home tomorrow." Seabury nods and the doctor walks away. Burr and Seabury leave quickly.


~Lovely Alex POV because I'm watching Non-stop again~

"Alexxxxxx, someday I'm going to propose to you and you'll be too busy writing to say yes or no!" John pestered me while I wrote more essays about everyday problems.

"John, the answer will be yes, and I'd interrupt the flow of the universe to say yes," I said back to him, softly. His hand leaned against the table and I grabbed it and stroked it. "I'm only writing, John."

"Sometimes that's all you do! Why do you write like your running out of time!?" He sounded frustrated. I got up and put my pen down.

"John, it's alright. Just let me finish the next twenty-five and we'll go to the park." I smiled at him and said it in my gentlest voice.

"Twenty-five!?" He hissed and interrupted me before I could speak. "You've been writing all night! Spend some time with your friends! Do anything!" He cried and I noticed the tears in his eyes.

I immediately got up and hugged him. "John? Why are you so upset?" I asked him.

He started crying harder. "I-It's everything! I shot Charles Lee! Lafayette is moving to France! Hercules is never free! You're always writing!" He cried into my shoulder.

"Charles Lee deserved what he got. Lafayette won't for another ten years if we tell him not to! And I'll get Herc to come over today. In fact, I'll invite the whole squad and I won't write all day!" I looked into his eyes and they sparkled.

"O-okay..." He said, and then sat down and watched tv. I got on my phone.

Group; Hamilsquad

AlexanderWriteALot: Hey guys! Wanna come over today? I'll get drinks. Please?

FrenchBread: oui oui! Thatll be fun . Be there in 5 .


SmolFreckleChild: Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I put down my phone and sat next to John, playing with his hair and kissing him. "Alex, c'mon Laf and Herc are going to be here any minute!" He giggled as I pulled him in for another kiss.

"MON AMI IM HERE! Uhm... Maybe we shouldn't go into this room." Lafayette yelled and then laughed a little, pointing at me and John kissing. Hercules burst through the door.

"Hope we aren't interrupting anything," Hercules said, raising an eyebrow.

John leaped off of me and hugged Herc and Laf. "Guys, guys, guys. We have to do something interesting. I'm bored out of my mind. And Alex should be too, he's been writing for ten hours."

I sighed and nodded. "Okay, how bout we go to a mall or somethin' and waste all our money?" Herc asks and John's eyes sparkle adorably.

"Yeah, let's go! Who's drivin'?" John asks, racing outside into the car, the backseat because he's bad at driving.

Lafayette looks at me and Herc and races outside, leaping into the driver seat with me and Herc hot on his heels. Herc almost jumps in with him, but he looks at me and races to the passenger front seat.

I gladly sit in the back with the love of my life.

(yup. comments pls! I live off of dramatic jeffmads, hamiltrash, and hamilfans funny comments of fanfictions and animations! Word count: 926)

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