Part 2 (titles I mean come on)

637 13 16

(Hello Thomas Jefferson! Slight Lams I think???? Uhm, yeah. I think.)

(Still 3rd person)

He had no class while Lafayette was in English, so he just sat and wrote on his computer about John Laurens. Why he chose to write about this, he had no idea, but the idea wouldn't leave his mind. Oh my God, am I in love with him? He asked himself, and most of his mind said yes, the other parts said maybe. Alexander ran his hand through his hair and stretched awkwardly. He knew any minute, Lafayette would come bursting through the door and speak some new English like Lafayette had told him he would. Well, at least he thought he did.

The door burst open. "Hello, mon friend!" Lafayette shouted, saying friend correctly. Hamilton bolted next to Lafayette.

"If we don't go now, we'll be late to our first class on our first real day of school. It's History, which is very important. Our teacher is Mister George Washington, a major general. Come on!" He bolted out the door, pulling Lafayette by his arm. He ran down to the room, as he memorized the whole school in an hour perfectly, as long with the names and subjects of each teacher.

Alexander walked slowly and politely into the room, Lafayette stumbling in awkwardly beside him. The teacher walked up to them and smiled. "Mr. Washington. Ah, Lafayette. I heard about you. Doing good in English?" Lafayette nodded quickly. "And you must be Mister Hamilton! I've heard good things about you." Washington shook his hand gently.

A much taller student who was wearing bright velvet and holding a cane that was obviously used for fashion and sass strode towards him, shoving his hand out. "Thomas Jefferson." He said. Alexander studied him for a moment, then shook his hand. Thomas pulled his hand and almost made him stumble, and mumbled; "I'll destroy you." when his face was close to his.

Alexander pulled his hand back and gave him a sharp glare. "Alexander Hamilton. A pleasure to meet you." He said politely, his tone not matching his glare. He waved his hand in dismissal and walked to an empty seat. A much shorter person with short, somewhat curly hair came and mumbled something to Thomas. Thomas swung his cane and gave Alexander a glare, before sitting. Lafayette quickly sat next to Alexander, looking down awkwardly.

Alexander leaned over and whispered, "You'll be okay." To Lafayette. Lafayette smiled and nodded, yet looked very uncertain. Alexander was sure he spotted a drowsy John and an asleep Hercules across the room, right next to Thomas.

Washington suddenly hit the board with a stick and the class fell completely silent. Washington smiled.

The lesson finally ended. To Alexander, it was interesting, but Lafayette must not have understood everything, as he looked dumbfounded and embarrassed. Alexander looked over to Lafayette, not knowing what to do for his friend.

Washington dismissed the class and Hamilton instantly shot Thomas a glare. Thomas smiled and walked away with the shorter guy with short, curly hair, waving his cane while talking to the guy next to him.

Lafayette mumbled something as he leaped to his feet, and then smiled down at Alexander. It looked somewhat fake, but also real and exited. "Come, mon Ami!" He grabbed Alexander's arm and they ran to a cafe.

At a table, there was John and Hercules already there. John instantly ran up and hugged Lafayette. Lafayette looked down at him, and was that sadness in his eyes? Alexander would have to figure that out later. John greeted Alexander, and Alexander's mind screamed reasons why he was adorable.

"Hey, John." He said, barely able to talk over his mind and blush so hard. The boy was a little bit shorter than him, with freckles and beautiful blue eyes that Alexander had to look away from to not get lost in them.

Hercules must have noticed because he looked at Lafayette and then shook Alexander's hand in greeting with a smile. "So, can we call ya Alex? We all have nicknames, excluding John, because his name is short anyways." Hercules said.

Alexander nodded. "Sure, Alex is fine." He smiled.

"Cool! My nickname Herc, because Laf found it easier to say. Oh, and Lafayette is Laf. And John is John." He laughed. Alex nodded. What was this, now? A group of friends for a perhaps genius orphan?

John suddenly jumped up onto the table and started yelling about how awesome they were compared to everyone else.

And guess who he was pointing his speech at.

Thomas Jefferson.

(Sorta cliff hanger? Idk. More boring crap. I love TJeffs btw. The Hamilsquad is forming! 775 words)

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