Part 20

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~uhm let's go back and give Katie the Laurens part I promised her and then we'll do more with Lillian, pillow, and oooo rosa.~

I looked down and Laf's friends, Lillian and Pillow, stayed.

"Damn. Didn't know things could get that exciting to awfully sad. It's like this is a fanfiction." Pillow says with a little laugh. We're all quiet until I hear someone screaming. It's a good scream this time.

"LAURENSSSSSSSSS!" Someone screams, well, I know who it is. It's Katie. She jumped and hugs me and brushes her hair out of her eyes. Her eyes sparkle as she looks at me.

"Hi, Katie!" I shout and fix my hair that flew out of my ponytail quickly. "Whatcha doin' here?" I ask, my awkwardness about the Laf situation behind me for the moment.

Katie leaps into action as Alex decides to awkwardly go into a store. When he's awkward, he spends money carelessly. Katie grabs his arm and spins him into me, and we kiss again when his lips land on mine. I pull him closer until Lillian starts making loud, fake, gross gagging noises while Pillow fangirls.

(oml guys Daveed is so great like srsly he's too amazing for this world)

(yes Katie I do find David more of a cinnamon roll then Anthony)

(don't kill me ;w;)

(I've gotta like stop watching hamiltrash oml it's taking over my life halp)

(no don't help I love it)

I started laughing and so we separated and Katie poked Alex until he was brushing against me again. Then she smiled and I wanted to kiss Alex again.

Damnit. Pillow smirked and said, "I cannot wait to hear what happens when your door closes tonight."

Lillian facepalmed, but she was laughing. "Pillow!" She protested. Pillow smirked and the two girls walked away.

I take out my phone.

The chat without Laf

iLoveTurtles(John): ok herc were ready to come home

Headbands(Herc): lafs asleep on my shoulder and he has a bad fever can u call a cab or something

Alex<3: Sure. Make sure Lafayette is okay. There should be some Tylenol in the cabinet in your house and make sure he sleeps.

Handbands(Herc): yes sir

I try to wave down a taxi and when we get to our apartment.

~I need to introduce Rosa so we'll get back to Lams later. Pillow's POV~

I race down the street as I and Lillian were walking to the park. I see my friend Rosa and race over to her, hugging her. She has fake wolf ears that move realistically and look so realistic, wears a flower crown, and has a floating tail swishing behind her. "Pillow!" She shouts as I barrel into her, hugging her excitedly.

"Rosa, Rosa, Rosa! Today was so dRAMAAAAAAAAA filled! I mean, seriously! Lafayette had this huge like family breakdown and I feel bad for him, but then Herc was all sweet to him and it was adorableeeeeeee! And then Lillian wanted to go to the park so that's where we're walking."

Lillian nodded behind me, and we started walking towards the park. (uhm uhm uhm I don't wanna writeeee but I dooooooo)

"So guys, I was thinking of inviting the Hamilsquad to my house and then just putting posters all over New York and throwing a huge party!" I said, quickly and excitedly.

"Uhm, you're house isn't big enough to fit all of New York into. And the Hamilsquad alone is really destructive." Lillian said to me.

"weLL, ITS A GOOD THING LAF'S RICH AND HE'LL GIVE ME MONEY TO RENT SOMEPLACE!" I said back to her, my voice bubbling with excitement as plans ran through my mind. We could rent a huge party house and have a bouncy house and drinks and if I'm lucky the shipping will get serious (if ya know what I mean ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))!!!

Rosa grabs me before I run into the busy street. "Oh..." I say, but then hug Rosa in thanks and look back up at Lillian who was rolling her eyes at my excitement. "So anyways, I can't wait!" I scream and we walk to the park.

(dis is crap XD. Loaf yall Mes Chers! Word Count: 687)

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