Part 5

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(Dramatic crap. Lams. Bullying. Aaron and Thomas being asses. Poor smol Madison being innocent. It's really long I'm sorry dearies)

John burst through the door and hugged Alex. I sniffed, it hurt me to see mon Ami in pain. Hercules bursted through the door after a few moment and grabbed Alex's hand. But Alex only seemed to look at John. I raised an eyebrow in my mind because doing it outside of my mind would be rude.

"Alex, it's okay. We're all here." Alex sobbed louder at John's voice.

"John... you were standing in the place where my mom got sucked up into the hurricane! You-y-you died! A-and it had gotten Laf and Herc before it got you!" He continued to cry.

Herc tried to make his voice soft. "There's no storm now. You're okay. We're okay. Let's go and get drinks or something."

John gasped excitedly and I immediately yelled; "No alcohol!" John stuck his tongue out at me and I put my hand to my chest like I was offended deeply.

~John's POV~

"Well, it's officially 7 am, and I haven't had any drinks and I've been awake since three." I said. Lafayette glared at me, and I immediately recognized it, his too-bad-john-no-drinking look. I sighed and rolled my eyes stubbornly, and Lafayette left, but Alex insisted on going with him. Herc said he had to go to this club thing, so I decided to convince Alex and Laf to take me with them.

Lafayette kept glancing around I think I know why. Someone was stalking around here until Lafayette came, so they could bully him. I hoped that since there were two more people no one would start anything.

But low and behold, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and Aaron Burr stood in front of them. They seemed to come from nowhere! I immediately backed up next to Alex. Lafayette's fists clenched.

"I'm not afraid to punch you again, Jefferson." Lafayette growled. Thomas snickered, but his hand ran over the spot where Laf punched him. Thomas looked at Alex and smirked at the red spot on his head.

"So I hit your little roommate, huh?" Thomas stepped toward Alex but I stepped in front of him.

"Back off, Thomas!" I said. Aaron suddenly pushed me into Alex so Alex caught me and we almost fell over. Lafayette stood his ground as the two people circled him. Thomas was an inch or so above Burr and still taller than Lafayette. God, he must be the tallest person ever. Which only made him scarier.

James Madison stood to the side. I didn't expect him to join in. When Aaron swept Lafayette off his feet with his foot I stepped forward. Aaron looked down at me and pushed me away with one hand easily but forcefully. Alex whispered in my ear, "Who's that?"

"Aaron Burr. Really nasty but crazy smart." I whisper-snarled back. Alex nodded and stepped in front of me and pushed Aaron just hard enough for his attention to turn to Alex.

Alex held his hand out and smiled. "Alexander Hamilton. It's nice to meet you, Aaron Burr, sir." He said, and Burr grabbed his hand and shook it.

"Aaron!" Thomas warned, and Aaron returned to taunting Lafayette. I didn't pay attention to what they said to Laf because I didn't want to know all the nasty stuff they were saying to my friend.

But Alex didn't stop. He stepped in front of Lafayette boldly. "So, what do you two have in common?" He asked.

"We're on the debate team and we'll either destroy you for getting in our way now, or you could step down and I'll destroy you later." Thomas's voice was dangerous and lower than usual. Alex didn't step down, though, and shook his head.

Then he glanced back at John and Lafayette and smirked. "Do you worst." Aaron immediately threw him on the floor. Lafayette pushed Aaron against the wall and Alex and I taunted Thomas.

"You think you'd win against me? I'm on the debate team too!" Every Time Thomas would step towards someone the other one would pull on his coat. I realized what Alex was trying to do. In three minutes the bell would ring and the teacher would check the hallways for late students and would find Thomas bullying them. But right now it looked like Lafayette pushing Aaron and Alex and I teasing Thomas.

But Alex had a plan, I was sure of it.

And when the teacher walked out, Thomas swung and hit Alex in the face, not missing because Alex didn't dodge, and Aaron had overpowered Lafayette just half a minute ago. Thomas didn't hesitate to run, but James Madison sat there behind the opened door, hoping no one noticed him. Aaron ran too, and Alex ran his hand over his face. There was blood dripping out of his nose.

"Alex!" I yelled, trying to wipe the blood away. Yet Alex smiled, and I guessed it was because his plan was a full-on success. The teacher told me to tell the class what had happened as she ran after Thomas and Aaron, and she told Alex to go to the nurse.

I told the class to behave and that I would be listening to them and telling the teacher everyone, and I helped Alex to a chair. He refused to go to the nurse, saying Laf could probably fix him. Laf was shaking in the chair next to them.

I whipped out my phone and texted Herc.

PantsSewer: whats wrong john?????

Me: laf just got bullied and alex was punched in the face

PantsSewer: running out of class now. Youre explaining why to the teacher thou

Me: just get over here

PantsSewer: here

~Hercs pov I think~

I full on sprinted to Lafayette. I grabbed him immediately and hugged him as tight as I could, and then hugged Alex. "What happened?" I demanded. Laf was shaking and Alex's nose was bleeding and he had a bruise on his cheek.

"It was The Jefferson Crew. Jefferson and Burr did everything, Madison stayed out of it." John said, and his voice was shaky like he was going to cry too.

"Guys let's group hug like really cheesy close friends." I suggested, and Laf and Alex got up and we hugged.

~John's POV~

The teacher came back in, and thanked everyone and excused them to their classes/dorms. She stormed into her yelling classroom.

Alex sighed. "That's Miss Rose. She's usually nice, but is strongly against yelling, bullying, and cursing." He looked at the door. "Laf, you still going to class?"

Lafayette looked down, and I grabbed his hand again and told him it would be alright. "I can go back to the dorm. Alex, you are definitely going back to the dorm."

"And let Thomas win today? No way am I staying there during history." Alex looked at James Madison and tilted his head.

James Madison sighed and all of a sudden started coughing. He collapsed onto the floor, and Lafayette banged on the door to Miss Rose, but the door wasn't going to open again.

(whew that was long dearies I'm sorry. Keep in mind I'm just copy and pasting from the original story I wrote on docs. RIP everything that I had bolded on docs being bolded on here. Remember to comment! Word Count: 1216)

Hamilton Modern Day AU (Lams, Mullette, Jeffmads, Kingbur, Leebury, ect.)Where stories live. Discover now