Part 7

384 7 12

(*insert lenny faces* Nah jk, there will never be any true smut in here. )

~Herc's POV~

I looked at my phone, hearing a soft ding. A text from Laf. I didn't hesitate to answer it.

FrenchBread0//0: Herc ??? John ????

Me: yeah laf are you ok????

FrenchBread0//0: of course ! Alex left me with the remote and i think he's planning something

SmolFreckleChild: oooo maybe hes in love with laf~~~~

FrenchBread0//0: he better not be because i only feel like that towards someone totally different

FrenchBread0//0: merde i didnt mean to send that how do i erase it no one read it

SmolFreckleChild: im buying every food and drink item tomorrow if youll tell me~

Me: ooo please telllllll laf come on

FrenchBread0//0: maybe tomorrow

FrenchBread: even if i order three of my favorite coffees from starbucks youll still pay ??? three for breakfast three for noon three for dinner ???

SmolFreckleChild: of course

FrenchBread0//0: the chances just increased by a lot

Me: good cant wait to hear who~~~

FrenchBread0//0: now leave me to my movies


Crap. I forgot we were supposed to pay attention for Alex. Oops, oh well, too late to do anything now, so I played this game that was supposed to increase my intelligence that Alex gave me. I couldn't wait until tomorrow now because we'll get to finally know who Lafayette has his eyes on.

I feel disappointment and I erase the 0//0 from Lafayette's name. Now I know that I'd never get him. Great, now I'm sad. URG LOVE EW WHY HAS IT GOT ME.

John notices me and gives me a look that says what-the-fudge-is-going-on-now. I sigh and shake my head. Ew, feelings.

The class ends and we literally bolt out. History is so boring. George Washington calls out to John but we keep running until he yells at us; "How's Alexander?"

John shouts back; "He's getting better! Also, take it easy on Thomas when he comes back, his 'boyyyyfriend' almost died." He made the word 'boyfriend' longer and teasing. Washington nodded awkwardly, and I swear I could have heard him mumble; "my god, children..."

Me and John run down and burst into Laf's dorm and he jumped off the bed but used the bar that holds up his bed to skillfully land on Alex's bed clumsily with an 'oof'.

I raced over and helped Laf up with an awkward, sorry laugh. I realized why he was so quickly terrified. He was watching a horror movie.

"Thanks, guys." He said sarcastically, his french accent thick. I wanted to pester him but I knew I just had to wait until tomorrow.

"We'll see you tomorrow. Text us what Alex's up to." John and we said goodbye and left.

~Laf's POV~

"Ow, ow, ow. Why did that bar have to be right where my leg landed." I complained to myself, rubbing the area around my knee and shin where I hit it. "Mon Dieu, why does it hurt?" I paused the movie and climbed up. I wondered where Alex was. I take out my phone.

Me: Bonjour Alex ! Where are you ???

RoomieHam: You'll see when I come back, my friend! Make sure we have a meeting with our friends tomorrow, it's important and you'll love it.

Me: Oui oui, we already have a meeting because of something i promised earlier

RoomieHam: Wait, what?

Me: Merde

RoomieHam: What? C'mon Laf, you can tell me!

Me: youll see tomorrow mon ami

RoomieHam: Ah, okay I guess. I guess I can't tell you what I'm doing if you don't tell me.

Me: fiiiiiiiiine but you have to promise to tell

RoomieHam: I promise!

Me: I kinda promised to tell everyone who I like tomorrow...

RoomieHam: OML YES. Okay, I'm buying these French Games and some other fun games for us to play ;)

Me: Ooo~ okay i look forward to tomorrow for one reason

Me: can we play them before i die

Me: like seriously

Me: i may die

RoomieHam: Of course, Laf. I'll be there in 20 minutes. No looking at the games until tomorrow! Don't tell Herc or John either!

Me: Okay okay oui oui au revoir

RoomieHam: Okay, bye.

I switch to the group chat without Alex.

Me: Guys he literally just went shopping for groceries

PantsSewer: oh

SmolFreckleChild: well that's just sad

PantsSewer: well byeeeeee

SmolFreckleChild: cant wait till tomorrow~ bye

Me: -_-" au revoir

I turned off my phone and tried to sleep.

(cliffhanger? I wish I honestly had friends like this. Comment please dearies! Even if you think its stupid! Word Count: 723)

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