Part 21

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(poor smol madison bean. jeffmads for life.)

(Ok so these scenes like I daydreamed up and I liked em but it has major like injury dramatic mess)

(~Madison's POV~)

I woke up in an unknown place. I was in a bed with someone next to me. We were fully clothed with no covers on. One of my arms was tucked behind this person, the other draped across their stomach. My head was on their chest, and I had to admit, it was quite comfortable and warm. I looked up and to my relief, I saw Thomas's face.

I instantly saw something wrong. From the bottom and behind of his ear to the bottom of his jaw on one side was painted black and blue with a bruise. I brushed my hand against it lightly and Thomas winced in his sleep. I looked down at his arms and legs, that had tiny bruises scattered across them.

I laid my head down on his chest again. He winced harder and held his breath, making a small groan of pain. I roll up his shirt and gasp at the horrendous sight. Across his rib is a huge bruise that almost reaches across the other one. I touch it lightly and Thomas's eyes flutter open softly. I realize with shock that I'm the one who smells like alcohol, not him for once.

"Thomas. Oh my God, what happened?" I whisper, holding back my tears. Who could have done this? Why did they do this?

"Oh, Madison, they hit your head. It's really bad. You're bleeding. Oh my God, Madison, you look awful." He whispers back to me and a sharp tang of pain goes through my head. I feel my head and there's a bruised bump that had been bleeding. The dried blood dripped down to around where my eye was.

"Oh Madison, I'm so sorry..."

"No, Thomas, you're worse than me. You're bruised everywhere. Have you seen your rib? It must be fractured if not broken! You look awful! What happened?"

Thomas took a deep breath in and looked me in the eye. "We got to a bar late last night. We had fun, but I noticed you were drunk and I thought 'My turn to be the mom friend!' So I didn't drink. But these drunk guys, I don't know em, threw a punch at you and you collapsed and so I started..." He trailed off, and I felt my heart sink. When Thomas gets mad, he throws punches and is rash and can hospitalize people. And I hated that. It made me feel like even I could be in danger. "I started yelling at them and it got physical. But there were like, ten of them and eventually, I just blacked out. Now we're here. Where are we?" He finished.

I shake my head, helplessly (oh look I'm listening to helpless the references). I look around and nothing suggests where we were.

Except for the mister Alexander Hamilton who opened the door softly, and jumped when he saw us staring back at him. "O-oh. You're awake. How do you feel?" He looked at me when he talked, his gaze calm and warm, but when he glanced at Thomas it was colder and firmer.

I looked at Thomas, the look that tells him I want to speak. "We're fine. Do you know what happened?" I ask him.

"Well, we're at Laf's house. I didn't see the fight, but I heard Thomas and some other guys yelling and fighting and so I went over to see what was happening. I saw you--Madison--with your head bleeding and Thomas blacked out on the floor, covered with injuries." He glanced at Thomas with a flash of sympathy that lasted a split second. "So I had Herc try to maneuver you two into the car--with me and John in the back, I may add--and drive us to Laf's, because he had a spare bedroom. I was worried that Madison would start coughing and I wouldn't know what to do, so I tried to wake you, Thomas. But that failed so I just sent Lafayette into watch over until he came back in and started laughing and ranting about the synchronized snoring you guys shared." He smiled, and I had to admit, he did look precious in his smile.

Hamilton Modern Day AU (Lams, Mullette, Jeffmads, Kingbur, Leebury, ect.)Where stories live. Discover now