Part 4

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(uh hi again! Lams. Dramatic Alex backstory crap.)

~Alex's POV~

"John? What happened?" I asked weakly and felt my head. Pain shot threw me as quick as lightning and I didn't move. Everything hurt too much.

"Well, Thomas was angry at Laf for punching him, and so he sung his cane and either he was aiming for you, you were in the way, or it was just a hit-anyone-and-run thing. Are you okay? Lafayette feels terrible." John finished.

"God, stop looking over me, you're face is so damn cute I can't take i-" I cut myself off, my face turned instantly red. I hated that I spoke my thoughts sometimes. Especially since I did it right at that moment saying that. John's face was red but he laughed.

"Damn, Thomas must have hit you hard." I pretended to moan at the pain, so he would believe that. But what I said wasn't a lie, and I missed it when he stopped looking over me. I tried to get up, and John grabbed my arm and helped me.

Lafayette looked at me, and it literally hurt because it was so sad. "Alex, mon Ami, I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have pretended to only know French!" He cried. That's right. I have every reason to be mad at Laf, but I'm not going to be.

"It's okay..." I sigh, and my hand runs up to my head. "Why is Thomas allowed to have a cane? You'd think it was a metal baseball bat!" I said, half to myself. John laughed a bit, and I hugged Lafayette lightly, making sure he knew I forgave him.

Lafayette smiled down at me somewhat. "It doesn't really matter if you're related to that, how do you say it in french, Chienne?" Lafayette laughed at that.

Hercules and John immediately asked what that meant and Laf and I raised an eyebrow at each other, and smirked and refused to tell them.

Me and Laf returned to our dorm and I spun and then landed on my bed. Lafayette sat down next to me.

"Mon ami, I'm so sorry for lying to you about my English. I can speak it pretty well, I mean, not completely. But I shouldn't have lied. You see, what do you call them in English, Intimidators ? Oh, bullies have been teasing me for speaking French, and mes amies have found out a way that if they teased me for French for speaking it all the time, I would switch rooms. Je suis vraiment désolé, mon ami." He said, and then added, "that means I'm sincerely sorry."

I nod. "I forgive you. Oh, ow ow ow, my head hurts." I started complaining. Lafayette got up and gave me a small cup of medicine. Lafayette looked at me sorrily.

"I don't know why I punched him. I mean, that thing was pretty bad and ennuyeux, but still, I've never punched anyone like that before." He looks down.

I forgot. Bullying. Is that why Lafayette looked so sad earlier? Had he been bullied in English? Or sometime when I wasn't around?

I looked down at him but decided not to say anything. I told him to get some sleep and I fell asleep instantly, John's beautiful face the first thing I see when I start dreaming.

~Alex's Dream POV~

John walked towards me and then screamed and pointed at two bodies and a hurricane racing towards them. Thunder crackled in the air, and lightning flashed in the sky rhythmically, while hissing winds tried to pull Alex off his feet.

The two bodies were Lafayette and Hercules. And then he saw his mom standing across from him, taking John's place. She was sucked up into the hurricane.

"No!" Alex cried, waking up from his dream. His breathing was fast and rapid, and Lafayette woke up above him.

"Alex? Is everything alright?" He asked, and when he didn't get a reply he asked; "Mon Ami?" He dropped down and sat down beside Alex.

~Laf's POV~

Alex was crying. I didn't know what to do. Did I upset him? Oh, Mon Dieu I hope not. "Mon Ami, what's wrong?" I asked gently.

"The hurricane... no... mom... no, no, no... it killed them all... the storm..." His words were filled with terror.

"It's just a dream mon Ami... it's alright, everyone's fine."

"It killed her!"

"Who killed who?"

"The storm! It took my mom!" He was crying so hard now that I hugged him tightly and took out my phone. I went into the group chat that didn't include Alex and typed quickly.

FrenchBread: Guys we have a problem

PantsSewer: what is it laf its literally 3 am

SmolFreckleChild: yeah laf ur lucky I'm writing so im awake

FrenchBread- Alex had a really bad dream and he's crying. The door's open.

SmolFreckleChild: Literally running down the hall now

PantsSewer: give me like five minutes my mind is yelling for sleep

(well thats that. what will happen next? Is Alex okay? Thanks for reading! Comment hilarious remarks or suggestions or anything that pops into your mind, and follow me so I can tell you when I'm updating!)

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