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"What do you mean, Keith?" Lance crossed his arms and held his helmet in one hand as Keith looked for water somewhere on the dry planet. "What do you mean more then my lion hates me?" Lance leaned on one of Keith's control panels.

"I mean that Allura doesn't like you hitting on her and neither does everyone else. It's disgusting how you just latch onto anyone with a pretty face and honestly, you're the most annoying person I've ever met. I don't see why we need you on the team. Anyone can shoot from the distance you did to get Slav and that's basically all you've done to protect us. Pidge is a girl and she's done more then you." Lance could hear his heart shattering in his chest.

"Let me down." Lance put his helmet on his head and glared down at his feet.

"What? You won't survive-" Lance cut Keith off.

"I said let me down!" Lance shouted and Keith flinched. He's never heard Lance yell.

"Fine fine," he set down the Red Lion and Lance walked off and away from lion. "Lance where are you going!" Keith shouted.

"I'm searching for water myself." Lance shouted back and continued to walk. He found a small puddle with one of the plants they needed and picked it, taking off his helmet and putting it in there. He continued walking and found another puddle and picked the two he found there. He continued walking until the black lion landed in front of him. He groaned and walked in another direction. Shiro ran out of his lion and caught up with Lance.

"Lance, what're you doing? I told you and Keith to-"

"I'm doing this myself. I already found three of those plant things." Lance cut Shiro off. They continued to walk until the reached a lake, all across it being the plant they needed.

"I'll call Keith to-"

"No," Lance started to pick the plant and put them into his helmet. "I'll do it myself." He picked a few at a time, soon ripping handfuls out by the roots. Shiro quickly held him still and Lance tried to fight him off.

"Lance! Lance! Calm down!" Shiro yelled at him. Lance quickly twisted out of his grasp and glared at Shiro. "Why did you suddenly freak out?" His voice was calm.

"Nothing. Let's just get this done so I can get to earth and see my family." Lance continued to pick the plant and Shiro sighed as he looked at him.

"You must really miss them."

"Duh!" Lance faced Shiro with dismay all over his face. "What'd you think!"

"Lance, I know you miss your family but we can't go back to Earth." Lance stopped picking the plant and looked at Shiro as Keith landed his lion next to Shiros.

"Why can't we go back?" Lances voice broke as Shiro stepped closer to him.

"We need to protect the universe and to protect the universe we need to stick together. If you go back to Earth we all need to go back to Earth and we wouldn't be able to stay. We would put Earth in danger if we went back." Shiro used his hands to exaggerate how bad it would be.

Lance grabbed Shiro by the shoulders and looked up at him as Keith ran over to the two boys, who in his view, looked like they were about to fight. "But we're so close and it would just be a quick stop! Only a few days! Please Shiro, I need to see my family." Lance missed them so much.

"I get that you're homesick but we need to talk it over with the whole team," Shiro took Lances hands off of him and picked the plant. "Now get to work." Lance sighed and picked the plant. Keith put his hand on Lances shoulder.

"I miss my family too Lance," Lance looked up at Keith. "Maybe you can convince Allura for a visit." Keith smiled and for a second, Lance felt his heart speed up. Keith got to work on picking the plant and Lance shook his head and got back to work.

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