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Lance yawned as he leaned his head on Hunters shoulder. Laura awed while the team laughed as how much of a baby Lance was around his family. "Aww, is wittle baby Wance tiwed?" Laura cooed.

"I'm tired of your attitude." Lance shot back and sat up. He smiled and quickly ran inside, got dressed and grabbed his guitar. He quickly got the guitar in tune and his family groaned.

"What? What is it?" Hunk looked around.

"Lance always wants to play that stupid guitar of his. He's lucky I didn't smash it." Uncle Jeff pinched the bridge of his nose.

"You guys love my songs!" They all quickly ran inside and Lance sighed then smiled at his team. "Well then, you'll hear me play."

"This better be good Lance," Coran twisted his mustache. "In my day-"

"Let him play Coran, I want to hear what an Earth guitar sounds like." Allura smiled.

Lance tuned the guitar then began to play. He didn't sing, this time, and he played beautifully. He finished and his family joined his friends. "That was great Lance! I didn't know you could play like that!" Pidge smiled.

"Thanks Pidge," Lance smiled and looked at his parents. "Mom, where will my friend sleep?"

"Well, we can always sleep in the ship." Shiro pointed to the spacecraft behind them.

"What? No! No friend of Lances is sleeping in a spaceship," Cynthia smiled. "Pidge, am I correct, can sleep in Laura's room, Hunk can sleep in Hunters-"

"Ma'am, if you don't mind I think Coran, Allura and I would sleep better in the ship." Shiro smiled and Cynthia sighed and nodded.

"Okay but enough of this 'ma'am' business. My name is Cynthia," she smiled. "As I was saying Hunk can sleep in Hunters room and then Keith and Lance can share his room."

"What no!" Lance yelled. "Mom he's like, my enemy!"

"And enemies have to learn how to share. Now march your butts up to those rooms and go to sleep," Lance groaned and slugged onto the ground. "Lance is you don't go up to your room right now I am taking your Lion away," the rest snickered. "Yours too if you laugh!" The rest of Voltron stopped laughing.

"Mom," Lance whined and Pidge hit him on the side of the head. "Hey! Pidge!"

"We're all making due of this so why don't you. It's just a few nights anyway and Keith can sleep in the ship if he wants too." Pidge and Hunk walked into the house and Lance glared at Keith. They were the only ones outside. Shiro, Allura and Coran were in the ship, Lances family inside getting ready for bed.

"Keith you will not-"

"Oh I am. Your family seems nice. I want to know them better," Keith stood up and Lance followed. "So get inside and change. I'll be in in about three minutes."

"You can't make me-"

"Lance!" Cynthia yelled and he groaned and walked into the house. Keith laughed and followed in. He stood outside Lances room and walked in when Lance opened the door.

He looked at the boy up and down and Lance did the same. "You sleep in that?" Lance scoffed.

"I don't sleep," Keith shot back. "You sleep in that?"

"What's wrong with this?" He was in sweatpants and a baggy, stained covered shirt.

"It's disgusting. You need to wash it."

"No I don't."


"Don't." The continued to bricked back and forth.

"Boys if you don't stop bickering I'm getting Uncle Jeff!" Laura yelled and Lance pinched the bridge of his nose.

"I'll sleep on the right, you on the left. You as much as touch me you are losing a foot tonight." Lance got in his bed and lied down on his side.

"Dido." Keith scoffed and took off his jacket and lied down on the other side.

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