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Lance sat down at the table while everyone began to eat. He reached for a piece of bacon and Keith griped his hand. He sighed and rolled his eyes and grabbed four and gave Keith three and him one. They peacefully ate breakfast walked out of the dining hall hand and hand. Shiro walked up to Lance and he blinked at Shiro. "Lance, you need to stop your moms death glare on me. I told her we all got tattoos and now she won't stop glaring me." Lance gulped and the three walked over to her.

"Lance, explain the tattoos." She crossed her arms.

"You see we were all kind of drowsy because of this plant Allura needed us to get and once we got it it left this side affect that made us drowsy and then we went to the space mall and we all just walked into the tattoo place, got them, and left. They're not things we regret, well, Pidge regrets hers but we all like ours." Lance brought his collar of his shirt over his shoulder and showed her as much as he could of his and Keith did the same.

"Sweetie," she looked at the scars that poked through the edges of his shirt. "What's happened to you?" She pulled up the bottom of his shirt and exposed his back to her, showing scars and bruises, bandages going around his chest and upper back.

"Mom, it's not that bad. They don't hurt that much and Keith has it worse. H-He take more bullets for everyone then we care to admit." She looked at Keith and pulled up his shirt exposing his scarred back. Keith bit his lip and blushed slightly as she examined every scar on his back. Shiro winced at the sight. He didn't know Keith got it this bad and sure, they all had their fair share of scars but Keith's, he had the most by far.

"Oh Keith," she pulled his shirt down and turned him from his shoulders to face her. He looked down at his feet and she held his face in her hands. He looked into her eyes as they watered. "I know we said to protect Lance but don't hurt yourself in the process," she wrapped her arms around the boys neck, pulling him into a tight embrace. He held his hands out then slowly placed them on her back and smiled delightfully but barely at the warm embrace of a mother. Lance smiled at their moment while Shiro simply crossed his arms and nodded his head. Keith let go and Cynthia did the same and smiled at him. She cupped his cheeks in her hands. "I don't want my little Lance to be left all alone up there without a loved one."

"Well, in my defense most of these are from protecting Hunk after doing stupid stuff." Cynthia laughed as the walked away from the Blue and Black paladin and continued to talk.

Shiro laughed and looked at Lance who was looking at the two as they spoke by the lake. "Aren't you glad they're talking?"

"Yeah but I just don't either of them to say stupid things I did," Cynthia snorted as Keith shared something about Lance, pointing his thumb to him. "But it looks like I'm too late." Lance sighed and Shiro patted his back as Lance let his arms slug below him.

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