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Lance smiled as he ran out into the fair, getting his hand stamped and running around with his friends. A Farris Wheel, various roller coasters and more rides on a dock while small booths sat on the sand with people who were going to swim in the sea. Lance looked back at his friends, Shiro won a stuffed animal and gave it to Pidge, Hunk showing people in food booths how to make their food and Allura had an uncomfortable look on her face as boys hit on her. He couldn't find Keith.

He walked over to Allura as she tried to hide some of the markings on her arms. "Ai Mommy where'd you get those tats?" Allura was utterly confused.

"What are tats?"

"Something wrong?" Lance slung his arm over Alluras shoulder and looked at the men across from them.

"Nothing's wrong, Lance," everyone knew Lance. "We were just talking to this fine Mommy." One smirked and Lance rolled his eyes.

"Well something is wrong if you're talking to my girlfriend." Lance glared at them and they gulped. He make be skinny, but the last time someone tried to steal his girlfriend they ended up in the hospital.

"We got it Lance." They walked away and Lance sighed as he took his arm off of Allura as they walked out onto the beach.

"I'm not your, girlfriend?" Allura didn't understand the word anyway.

"Last girlfriend people tried to take from me I put them in the hospital so they don't mess with me if I say it's my girlfriend," he shrugged his shoulders with a smile. "Want me to win you something?"

"Sure." Allura smiled.

Keith panted as his hoodie rested on his hips. He wiped the sweat off his brow as he pulled his hair into a ponytail. he took off his shirt and pulled it through a pants loop and ran his hand through his bangs. He leaned against the fountain that brought the beach and town together. Girls walked by and pointed at Keith, some blushing and motioning to his body and biting their lips. He lifted a brow as a girl walked over to him.

"Hey," she giggled. "I'm Amber."

"Hi?" He lifted a brow as Shiro and Pidge walked around and spotted him.

"Where'd you get that scar?" She pointed at it.

"A fight." Keith pulled at his hair, his mullet falling out of the ponytail. She bit her lip.

"How about this one?" She touched a scar on his abdomen, purposefully on one of his abs.

"I get all my scars from fight," Keith moved away from her and leaned back on the fountain again. She walked back to her friends and he lifted a brow as they freaked out. Shiro sat next to him as Pidge held the elephant stuffed animal up to Keith. "What's this?"

"Shiro won it for me!" Pidge smiled brightly. Shiro rolled his eyes as Pidge went on about the elephant. Hunk walked over to them and smiled brightly, handing them plates of food. Lance and Allura walked into view and over to them. "Where'd you two go?" Pidge asked.

"Allura was getting hit on by the douches guys in the neighborhood so I helped her and I won her a giraffe." Lance smiled as he grabbed some of Keiths food and ate a little.

"And he said I am his girlfriend?" Allura added as a question.

"Allura, girlfriend is the same as boyfriend. I said that to help you. Keith is boyfriend, you are friend." Lance clarified and she nodded, hugging the stuffed animal to her chest.

Lance groaned as the same boys marched over to them. "McClain you fucking liar!" They shouted and he rolled his eyes. One grabbed Lance by his shirt and he stared emotionless into his eyes as his team was about to beat them up. "You're a fucking fag you little bitch."

"What's your proof Brandon?" Lance asked.

"My sister works at that restaurant you went to last night," Brandon glared into Lances eyes. "That ugly fucking fag is your boyfriend." He pointed at Keith who was trying not to turn Gulra. Lance growled internally.

"And?" Lance lifted a brow. Brandon laughed and brought his other arm back and aimed for Lances nose.

"I'm gonna beat you up you little faggot." He punched Lance in the nose but he didn't wince. Hes had worse. Shiro rushed and grabbed Brandon's arm and hep it against his back as Pidge kneed him in the dick while Hunk uncalled Lance from his grasp. Brandon's friends quickly ran as Keith cracked his knuckles.

His eyes flashed yellow as he punched Brandon repeatedly, Lance grabbing his arm and holding Keith back as he changed his eyes back. "Don't fuck with Lance, got it." Keith gritted his teeth as Lance dragged him away and back to the house. The fair was three days so they had three days of fun.

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