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||•Two Hours Later•||

Keith sat on the moon next to his lion, Shiro next to him. "What's wrong Keith?" He finally asked as they looked at earth as it slowly orbited.

"I'm just a monster aren't I?" Keith held his legs to his chest.

"What? That's insane! You're not a mon-" Keith shot his head to Shiro.

"Are you sure Shiro! Half of me is an alien that took over the universe! Took your arm!" Keith yelled and Shiro sighed.

"What is this really about?" Shiro looked over to Keith. He huffed and looked out to Earth again. "Keith."

"It's nothing Shiro. Lets just get back." He started to climb back into his lion but Shiro grabbed his arm.

"Not until you tell me what's going on." Keith growled at Shiro but sighed.

"I think," he bit his lip. "I think I," Keith pursed his lips. "It's nothing Shiro. Let's just go back."

Shiro sighed and nodded. "Okay but Keith, you can always talk to me or tell me anything." Keith nodded and got in their Lions and rode them back to Earth. They went back into the castle and walked out onto Lances giant lawn and saw him chasing his siblings. Keith chuckled lightly as he tackled one of his siblings.

"Lance! Let go of me I'm too big for this game!" Laura squirmed under him. Lance laughed and go up then helped her up.

"Then don't take my stuff." Lance smiled and walked to the house and inside. Keith looked out onto the setting sun then walked into the house and up to Lances room. He took off his jacket and crashed down on Lances bed and soon fell asleep. Lance walked up to his room and looked down at Keith on his bed. He looked so...adorable. Lance sighed and got into his pajamas then lied down next to Keith. He turned his head and looked at his pale skin. Lance soon fell asleep and Keith turned in his sleep, his arm wrapping around Lance.

Pidge woke up and looked at Hunk as he laughed through the hallway. "What's so funny?" She asked and Hunk urged her to follow him.

"Follow me," he laughed and ran to the house. Pidge followed and walked with Hunk as he crept up the stairs. He opened the door to Lances room and Pidge looked at Keith who had his arms wrapped around Lance. Pidge was going to laugh, seeing as Keith seemed to be wide awake. "I know right. I wonder if Keith has a thing for Lance."

"Or the other way around," Pidge mumbled and Hunk looked at her. "Yesterday I heard Lance tell Shiro that he liked Keith but I put on my helmet and they left and Keith was going to tell Shiro something but didn't. I wonder what he was going to tell him." Hunk nodded and they walked out of the house when they heard a shriek.

Lance yelled at Keith a few minutes after waking up. "What the hell Keith! Stop holding me!" His face was bright red.

"Well stop getting on my side of the bed!" Keith yelled, pick rising up his neck to his cheeks. "That's it! For the rest of this trip, I'm sleeping in the ship!" Keith jumped out of bed and grabbed his jacket then walked out of Lances room and into the ship then into his room on the ship. He lied down on his bed, already missing Lances warmth. Shiro walked into his room and Keith looked at Shiro, slightly sitting up.

"Anything you want to tell me now?" Pidge and Hunk walked down the hall.

"I think," Keith bit his lip as his cheeks turned red. "I think I like Lance." He covered his face with his hands and Shiro sighed, a small, small smile on his face.

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