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She grabbed Lance by the ear, pulling him down to her height. The rest laughed as she yelled at her son. "Don't you dare do that!"

"D-Do what?" Lance stuttered.

"Something that could get you killed! You're lucky when we let you go to the garrison but now this! You are grounded!" His siblings snickered.

"What?" Lance jolted his head up as the rest laughed. Shiro walked to Lance. "Grounded? I can't be grounded! I just got back!"

"No Lance, you're grounded. You can't leave Earth." Cynthia crossed her arms.

"Ma'am I know what Lance is doing is dangerous but he is protecting a lot of people," Cynthia looked up at Shiro. "I'm Shiro. I pilot the black lion and I'm the head of Voltron. I don't let Lance or the rest of the team do something too dangerous."

"But we saved a living planet!" Keith yelled.

"And went inside a giant worm!" Hunk waved his arms up and down.

"And Lance was in a coma for a couple-" Shiro cut Pidge off.

"We, have, done things that are dangerous but Lance never got dangerously hurt." Shiro smiled.

"Well, he was in a coma for a few hours and nearly died but that was such a-"

"What!" Laura grabbed her brother. "No way am I letting these aliens take my brother again!" She dragged him inside and Lance ran back to the Blue Lion.

"They're not aliens!" They all looked at Lance as he panted. "They're my other family," Lance stood up straight. "Shiro is like, my dad and he's been idol since forever. Hunk is like my brother and Pidge is like my sister! Coran is like, my uncle and Allura is obviously my girlfriend." Lance smirked.

"Keep dreaming Lance." Allura rolled her eyes as the rest made snarky comments.

"And then Keith is, Keith!" Lance finished. His family all looked at Lance. "If you don't like them, then I'll just leave. They're my family too." His grandparents walked out of the big crowd and waddled over to the lion. His grandmother cupped his cheek.

"Lance," her voice so fragile. "How many rooms will you need for your family?" She asked and Lance smiled and hugged her.

"Thank you Gammy."

"Gammy?" Keith finally lost it. Lance stood up and glared at Keith. "I'm sorry but this is all just so funny!"

"What's so funny about family Keith? The fact that I actually have one?" Lance crossed his arms and the Paladins glared at him. "What?"

"Okay rude," Pidge crossed her arms. "Just because you hate him doesn't mean you need to hit him where it hurts."

"Honestly it doesn't hurt," Keith shrugged his shoulders and Lance glared at him. "As long as we don't share I'm good. I'm going back to the castle, ship, thing." He walked back into the Lion and Lance smirked.

"Blue won't work with you!" Lance yelled. His little sister pulled on his metal suit. "Yes Sashi?" Lance laughed and crouched down to her size.

"Can I see the castle?" She begged.

"Depends," Allura bent down to her. "I'm Allura, the princess of that castle. Can we put it in your yard for our stay?" She asked.

"I don't see why not," Hunter walked over to them. "You get your castle thing while we all...adjust." They nodded and went into the Blue Lion and got the castle and parked in the yard. It barely even fit on the large stretch of land they had.

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