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For Him - Troye Sivan

Keith pulled away from Lance when he remembered the others in the room. Lance looked down at Keith as he pinched the bridge of his nose and shook his head, his cheeks flushed. "Lance, Keith," they shyly looked at Allura. "Would you like to share anything with us?"

Keith shook his head while Lance bit his lip, blush growing upon his cheeks. Lance looked down at Keith. He didn't want to tell people yet but, he was ready. Lance wanted to tell them everything and it was boiling up his throat. Keith looked up at Lance as he tried to fight back to truth. Maybe it was time. "Keith and I dating and have been for like a month and I'm sorry for not telling you but we weren't ready and..." Lance trailed off. "I'm sorry." Keith sighed but nodded at Lance.

"I've know for a while, but I'm glad you shared." Allura smiled.

"We shouldn't keep secrets from each other so I'm glad you shared." Shiro crossed his arms.

"When you break up don't make it weird." Keith bursted out laughing at Pidges comment.

"I assure you, we won't break up." Keith laughed and Lance nodded in agreement.

Lance started to cough and Keith looked up at him. "Lance are you-"

"I'm fine. I'm fine. I think I just need to eat something." Lance put his hand to his chest. Keith helped him to his room where Lance got dressed then went into the dining hall where Hunk made him food. Lance sat down and he told them about what happened and they told him about what happened while he was asleep.

"Yeah and Keith wouldn't leave the pod while you were in there." Hunk laughed and Lance choked on his food and looked up at Keith who was sitting on the table, his arms crossed with blush spread across his face.

"I'm not taking any of your shit-"

"Nerd." Lance cut him off.


"You're a nerd. You could have done something other then watch me sleep." Lance laughed and rolled his eyes. Keith tapped his foot against Lances shoulder, a small smirk on his lips.

"The only thing I had better to do was train or talk with Red." Keith chuckled and Lance rolled his eyes.

"Boys stop flirting," Allura rolled her eyes and they both blushed. "We have a mission in the Neburka Galaxy." Everyone nodded and got to work.

||•Six Hours Later•||

Keith lightly kissed Lances lips as he lied on top of him on his bed. Lance chuckled slightly as Keith kissed him. "Keith we have to go. They'll wonder what happened to us." Lance chuckled as Keith kissed him again.

"Let them wonder," Keith smirked and kissed Lance again. Lance laughed and wrapped his arms around Keith's neck and kissed him back. They stopped for a little and took off their suits then kissed again. Lance laughed as Keith gently pressed his lips to Lances. "Lance?" Keith stopped and looked down at Lance.

"Y-Yeah?" Lance stuttered.

"I think we should go find the others now." He chuckled and Lance pouted.

"But I just got comfortable." He held Keith and turned them so Lance was on top of him. He lied down on Keith and he grunted and whined.

"Lance come on," Keith chuckled. "We have to go find them." He dug his head into Keith's stomach and Keith sighed and played with Lances hair.

"There you go." Lance smiled against his shirt and Keith laughed and grabbed the book by Lances beside. He began to read and Lance looked up at him and kissed Keith's neck.

"Lance, what're you doing?" Keith bit his lip.

"Loving you." Lance stopped kissing his neck and lied down against his stomach until he fell asleep.

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