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Lance closed his bedroom door and Keith sat on his bed as Lance went through his clothes. He tossed Keith a red and black bathing suit and smiled at him. "This one is the smallest one I have. I think it'll fit you. See you outside!" Lance winked as he left making Keith blush madly. He held his hands over his face and a smile crept onto his face. He quickly changed into the bathing suit and contemplated on taking off his gloves. Lance knocked on the door before opening it and looked at Keith. "You look great! Let's go swim!"

"O-Okay." He walked with Lance. He looked at his hands.

"Why didn't you take off the gloves?" He pointed to his fingerless leather gloves plastered on his hands.

The purple fuzz started to spread up his hand and down his neck slowly. "I don't really like taking them off," Keith lied easily and Lance sighed knowing so. They walked outside and Keith slowly got into the water the swam under Lance and picked him up. "Hey." He winked and pull Lance down. Lance blushed madly as he splashed into the water with Keith laughing as the water engulfed him. If he was going to die in anyway shape or form, it would be listening to Keith.

He jumped out of the water and pulled Keith under and laughed as Keith stood up and pulled him under. They continued to wrestle until Shiro stopped them. "Both of you stop this!" He commanded. "I thought you learned to be nice to each other?"

"We did but that doesn't mean we can't wrestle," Keith crossed his arms as he felt the fur grow down his back. He needed to cover up. "I'm done in the water anyway." He ran inside and quickly dried off and got dressed. He walked outside and felt the sting of pain go down his back and up his arms and around his skull. He felt his ears shaping into cat ears. He quickly ran into the ship and to his room. Lance got dressed and went after him.

Keith looked in the mirror in his room. He watched as his eyes turned yellow and purple surrounded his eyes. He looked down at his hands and saw claws with purple fur. He looked at himself again. He was a monster. He took his shirt off and saw purple fur across his chest. Keith smashed his hand against the mirror and crumbled into a puddle of tears. Lance opened the door to his room and looked down at Keith. Keith looked up at Lance. "Keith?" He broke into more tears. Lance hurried and hugged him. Shiro, Allura, Coran, Pidge and Hunk crowded by the door.

"I'm a monster." Keith mumbled as he bunched up Lances jacket with his clawed hand, tears streaming down his cheeks.

"No you're not Keith. You're a paladin and apart of my family," Lance leaned back and whipped away tears on his cheeks with his thumb. "You're Keith. Not Gulra, not human. You're Keith." Keith broke down into another puddle of tears and Lance held him. Allura walked into the room and Keith looked up at her.

"If we get you in the cryogenic pods it might reverse the affect." Keith nodded and walked with them to the pods.

"How long has this been happening Keith?" Shiro asked.

"A few days." Keith mumbled.

"And you didn't tell anyone." Lance looked at him and Keith rolled his eyes and nodded.

"My body, my mess." He stepped into the pod and Allura turned it on. Keith feel asleep and the purple fur slowly disappeared on his body.

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