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Keith put a bandage over Lances nose as he looked down at his feet as the sat on Lances bed, his window open and the warm summer afternoon air pouring into the room. "Lance you can't just get hurt like that. Your face is pretty and now it has a bandaid over it." Keith sighed and Lance couldn't help but laugh.

"You need to stop turning Gulra while we're here," Lance laughed and kissed Keiths nose. He blinked and looked at Lance. "We have two days left here, let's make the most of it." Keith nodded and leaned forward, digging his head into the crook of Lances neck.

||•Two Days Later•||

Lance laughed as Keith and Pidge brought in armfuls of stuffed animals, along with Allura with her own onto the ship and into their rooms. He hugged his siblings and parents goodbye. His face melting into a frown as he looked for his grandparents. Cynthia cupped his cheeks. "It's okay Lance, we miss them too." Tears poured out of his eyes and she wiped them away with the pad of her thumb.

"I'm never going to see them again." His lips quivered. Cynthia hugged him close.

"It's okay Lance. They're probably stars now for all we know," she cupped his cheeks again. "But you'll find that out, right?" He nodded. "Right. And you have Keith and Pidge and Hunk and all you're friends up there to help you cope. We still have that communicator you gave us."

Lance nodded and smiled softly. "Goodbye." He walked to the ship, Shiro patting his back as they walked into the control room and lifted off into space.

||•One Year Later•||

Lance smiled, wrapping his arms around Keith and kissing his cheek as they walked off the ship, the happy news fresh in their minds. "Mama!" Lance grabbed Keiths hand, running down to her as his family joined her in the yard. "Mama we need to tell you something!" She looked at Lance as they gathered.

"Yes Lance?" Joshua put his hand on Cynthia's shoulder.

He darted his eyes to Keith, him already blushing and unable to speak of the news. "They're getting hitched!" Hunk yelled as he jumped in front of them, pulling both of their heads into a headlock. "They're getting together!" He let go and they stood up straight.

"But you're only eighteen, Lance." Cynthia held her hand over her mouth.

"Yeah but I'm happy Mama," Lance smiled, holding Keiths hand tighter. "Don't you want me to be happy?"

"Of course I do but Lance, you have your whole life ahead of you, don't you think getting married at eighteen is a little young?" Cynthia smiled.

"Yeah I guess but I'm-"

"No I won't have it," Joshua glared at Lance. "I've dealt with you two for years but I can't hide it anymore. You both disgust me. Don't ever, come here again." Keith could hear lances heart shatter as he walked off and into the house.

Lance woke up in a cold sweat from his bed, Keith sitting up with him and placing his hand on his back as Lance started to cry, curling his head into Keith with the boy holding him. "Lance it's okay."

"I-It's not. I know what my Papa really thinks of us and, I can't help but feel like we shouldn't tell them."

"Hey, you're happy, that's all that matters." Keith rubbed Lances back as he shook his head against his chest.

"But I want them to be happy too." Lance cried.

"Well fuck their happiness. You deserve to be happy, not them." Lance slowly nodded, looking at the shinning gold rings, one on both boys left ring fingers.

"We had great timing huh?" Keith laughed, looking at the rings.

"You ruined my time."

"We proposed at the same time Lance." Keith rolled his eyes, both staring out. The window and into space at the distant stares and planets as the Milky Way came into view.

"We'll be home soon." Lance bit his lips.

"You'll be home." Keith held his waist.

"No, we," Lance rested his head on Keiths shoulders. "My family est tu family." They came to Earth moments later, it being midnight there and not wanting to wake anyone one, landed in a nearby desert.

"Uh guys," Hunk turned to them as they stepped off the ship. "Does this all look familiar?"

"Not really." Pidge shrugged her shoulders, Shiro doing the same as Keith and Lance looked at the large boulder, and the warn out space in the ground.

Before either could get a word out words exploded in their air saying, "Get the aliens! Hold them down!"

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