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Allura groaned at the sound of grunting from the training hall. She walked down to the hall and found Keith and Lance fighting together with the other Paladins watching along with Lances whole family. "What is going on here?" Allura asked as she walked to Shiro.

"Lance and Keith haven't left the training hall since you put it on level ten, princess." Coran answered.

Lance got the last bot and wiped his brow and looked at Keith who nodded. "Goo?" Lance panted and Keith shook his head.

"We're on nine. One more then all the Green Goo we can eat, plus whatever Hunk makes," Keith laughed and Lance nodded. "Coran! Level ten!" Coran set the level and they began to fight. "Lance left!" Keith quickly got the bot on Lances left and the one on his right.

Lance got the one behind him and three more that were charging. Keith got the one who was just about to stab Lance. The bad thing about level ten and beyond, the bots can kill you. "Thanks Keith! Right!" Lance yelled and they quickly demolished all the bots, but in an hour. Lance smiled as they finished off the last bot. "Yeah!"

"Alright!" They high fived and walked out of the training deck and to the kitchen. "Hunk!" Hunk walked over to them, in the middle of making something to eat for them. "Get us everything."

"You got it." Hunk smiled and made them a feast. He set it out on the table and the two boys dug in. Lance looked at his family as he ate nearly everything on the table.

"What?" He muffled with food in his mouth.

"How can you eat this?" Hunter poked the Green Goo and Lance picked up the bowl and chugged it down.

"I've been eating this for the time I've been in space! It's great when Hunk makes it!" Lance smiled, his teeth covered in alien food.

"Ah thanks Lance." Hunk smiled and grabbed a bowl of one of his creations and handed it to Pidge, another to Shiro, Allura and Coran. He grabbed one for himself and they all ate what he made.

"This is great Hunk!" Pidge smiled.

"The best Hunk." Shiro continued eating.

"Splendid!" Allura smiled and looked down to her Red and Blue Paladins who were still eating. "Where does it go with you two? I'm full even after one bowl."

"Lance has a black hole and Keith is half Gulra so he might need more." Pidge was about to grab something off of the table but Keith smack her hand away and ate what she was going to grab.

"What's a Gulra?" Cory asked.

"It's this alien race that took over the Galaxy and Zarkon, their leader nearly got to Earth but we saved you guys. It's where Shiro got his cool robot arm." Hunk held up Shiros hand and Shiro took it away from him and rubbed his wrist.

"So, Keith is half Gulra?" Cynthia inspected Keith while he ate.

"Yeah but they're normally purple with these cat ear things," Pidge tried to explain. "They usually have yellow eyes and claws too!"

"Thank you Pidge for explaining how I'm suppose to be." Keith glared at Pidge, finished eating and walked out of the room to his hanger and went into his Lion and rode around.

"Pidge!" The team yelled at her.

"What?" She shrugged her shoulders.

"I'll get him." Shiro walked out out to his lion and got in and rode off to where Keith was.

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