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Rip Tide- Vane Joy

Allura walked out of the castle with Shiro and into the field. No one was awake yet besides the three who slept on the ship. "Princess," Allura looked at Shiro. "It seems like they like you."

"Yes it seems," Allura smiled as the sun came up over the ridge of the planet. "I can see why Lance likes it here."

"Yeah. Earth is a great place to live," Shiro smiled. "We have water, soil, family, friends. There are a lot of great things about Earth. And the food, it can be better then what you serve on the ship." Allura laughed with Shiro.

"Yes it can be but I would like to learn more about your Earth culture," a scream broke through the cold air in the house. "What was that!"

"It sounded like it came from Lances room!" Shiro turned on his robot arm and they ran into the house and up to Lances room. "What happened!" Shiro yelled as he bursted into the room.

"Lance was on my side of the bed!" Keith yelled.

"Me? You were holding me!" Lance shouted back.

Shiro blinked before lowering his head and sighing. "Honestly boys you gave me and Shiro a heart attack," Allura crossed her arms and glared at the two. "Take this small vacation to learn about each other and bond with each other and your lions. The Red and Blue Lions have always been close, now you two need to do the same." Allura and Shiro walked out of Lances room.

Lance looked at Keith and Keith looked at him back. They glared at each other. "I am not bonding with you." Lance crossed his arms.

"Well, they didn't define bonding." Keith got out of Lances bed and grabbed his jacket and walked out of his room. Lance sighed and got dressed then walked down the stairs.

"Lance, why did you scream?" Cynthia hugged Lance and he hugged her back.

"It's nothing Mom. What can I do to help this morning?" Lance asked with a smile.

"Well breakfast is almost done being made so if you could set the table for us and your friends that would be helpful," Cynthia smiled. Shiro walked into the kitchen and saw Lance carrying plates, spoons, knifes and forks to the table. "Shiro right?"

"Yes." Shiro smiled.

"Could you help Lance set the table? He never gets it done in time and once I start to make bacon everyone is up." Cynthia giggled.

"Yeah no problem," Shiro walked into the dinning room and helped Lance set up the table. "You know, Lance, you and Keith have a special connection."

"Oh yeah? I doubt that." Lance rolled his eyes and set down a plate then a spoon, fork and knife. Shiro followed.

"Lance, you and Keith are always fighting and think about how this affects the team. You two need to bond with each other and your Lions or else our team is in jeopardy of falling apart." Shiro looked up at Lance, Keith behind him in the doorway.

"Why do we even need to form a bond anyway. Zarkon is gone so we should be able to go home, right?" Lance looked up at Shiro.

"Yes but there are more threats to the universe then just Zarkon. We need to be ready for all of them." Shiro crossed his arms and Lance sighed and finished setting the table and walked out of the dinning room and outside. Keith followed him and sat next to Lance on the porch swing.

"Shiro is right. The team will fall apart if we don't become friends and we can't stay here. We need to protect the universe, not just the Earth." Keith leaned back on the swing while Lance leaned forward.

"I just missed my family so much Keith. I don't want to leave them again," he turned his head and looked up at Keith. "I know we need to protect the universe but I want to be with my family too." Keith's heart sped up at Lances sad blue eyes meeting his.

"Well we can all be your family. Friends and enemies can be families too, Lance. You just need to try." Lances heart sped up at Keith's soothing voice.

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