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Lance pulled on the collar of his shirt as Zoey hummed, them walking through the woods to the small fort they made when they were together the third time. They sat inside and the three teens listened in by nearby trees, Pidge peaking in by the window. "So Lance, how are things?" She fluttered her eyes, twisting a strand of red hair on her finger.

"Uh pretty good." He moved away from her when she placed her hand on his leg.

"How are things without me?" Words twisted in his head as that was always how she started her We Should Get Back Together speeches.

Lance inhaled sharply and exhaled slowly. "Listen Zoey, I'm not looking for a relationship right now." Seeing as he was in one, but her didn't add that.

She looked at his scarred face, her eyes landing on her piercings and the scare on his neck. "How'd you get all those scars?" She dug through her bag and reapplied her lipstick, her brown eyes meeting his blue ones.

"Uhm, fights..." He drags out the word as if it were a lie. He saw the bruise peaking out of her collar, clearly the work of expert makeup he taught her. "How'd you get the bruise?" Might as well play along.

"Oh," she bit her lip. "Chris. You remember him right?" His next door neighbor who was the kindest person Lance every met. He would give food and water to homeless people every day, keeping little bags in his backpack, truck and house so he could have some with him everywhere and if he didn't he would buy them clothes. He sheltered abused woman, runaways, troubled youths, even wanting to get out of the job hookers. He was twenty three and did all that and managed a small chain of Applebee's restaurants. "Well, he kind of, hit me..." The string of words was so unusual. Lance laughed.

"Chris wouldn't hit anyone and I'm proud of you for finding someone, even when they're eight years older then you," she was two years younger then Lance. He licked his thumb and wiped it across the bruise, smudging it. "I taught you makeup, remember?" He smirked.

"Well," she was speechless. "I want to get back together, alright. I miss you, a lot and I-"

"Zoey, I appreciate you trying to get us together, but I'm with someone right now and I'm really happy with them," he doesn't mention it's a boy, yet. "But at some point you have to give up and realize we aren't good for each other."

"Y-Yeah," she sighed and bit her lip. "She's a lucky girl."

"Yeah," Lance ran his hand through his hair. "He is."

"He?" She faced Lance while he blushed a bright red, his eyes widening as he looked at her. "It's fine Lance, one of my uncles is gay and I've thought you were sorta into guys. There's something called bisexual and Pansexual for a reason." Zoey sweetly smiled and Lance gulped and nodded.

"I thought you would tell everyone at school."

"Oh I am," a smirk broke out on her lips as she stood up and ran. Keith grabbed her arm, turning to his Gulra self by accident. She screamed loudly as she tried to run from Keith. "Get away! Beast! Ah!" She screamed louder. Lance walked out and found Keith turning back to Keith as Zoey continued to scream.

"Zoey!" Lance yelled over her. They were too far in for anyone to hear her anyway. She looked at him. "This is him," Keith let go of her arm and sheepishly smiled. "His name is Keith and if you have a problem with him, I have a problem with you."

Keith put his hand out to her. "I-I'm sorry for the way I grabbed you, and kinda turned alien. It's nice to finally meet someone who dated this jackass."

"It's nice to finally meet someone who can put up with him for so long," Zoey giggled, shaking his hand. They walked off talking about Lance and laughing. "What?" Zoey yelled with a giggle, pushing Keith away slightly. He laughed and nodded. The three other Paladins followed the two back to the small get together.

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