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Lance bit his lip as Keith and Zoey continued to talk, sitting on the deck by the lake. The get together was yesterday, and she came back, to speak with Keith. It would be hard to deny that Lance was getting jealous and protective. He knew for a fake that Keith was only gay, but it still worried him. "Lance relax," Hunk laughed as him and Pidge walked up to the stalking boy staring at the back of the chatting twos heads. "Keith is not into her."

"How do you know that?" Lance murmured and the two laughed.

"First off, he's only gay, not Bi or Pan, gay and two his body language is so different from when he speaks to her and you." Hunk chuckled.

"R-Really?" Pidge nodded as Lance stammered.

"When he's with you, his back his straight with his feet together, his eyes meet yours and he doesn't look down or away. If he's standing he'll hold his hands behind his back, if he's sitting, he'll hold them on his lap. When he's talking to anyone else his eyes tend to drift, his back is hunched, his legs are spread and his arms are crossed." Lance listened to Pidges explanation and looked over at the two. His back was hunched over, his eyes to the water with his legs spread.

"And he's gay." Hunk added on.

"Yes, and he's gay, for you. So you shouldn't worry," she pushed the bridge of her glasses up. "I'm sure they're just talking about you."

Keith nodded as Zoey went on about how her and Lance were, in their first relationship. "And on our first date he took me to this little restaurant by a lake and afterwards he went swimming and dragged me in with him. Our cramps got so bad my mom thought we were both on our periods." Zoey giggled and Keith chuckled lightly, his gaze not leaving the water.

"Me and Lance haven't been on a first date yet," Zoey looked at him as he met her gaze. "Well, we sorta have but they always get interrupted by something. Our first, first date we went to this little earth themed restaurant on a small planet and of course everything was from like, 1970 but it was fun until people recognized who were and asked for autographs and pictures," Keith ran his hand through his hair. He told her about Voltron and she took it better then his old friends. "It just gets harder from their. On our, God sixth try, we went on a picnic on this planet were everything was practically water so we were on Blue but then the only thing on the planet attacked us. That's where Lance got the scar. From here," he pointed to the middle of his neck and traced it down his skin and shirt to the bottom of his chest. "To here."

"Woah," was all she could say. "We'll, while you're here you should go on a date and not get interrupted or anything." Keith shrugged and looked down at the water.

"I don't have anything nice to wear. My dad, before he left, told me to always wear something nice when you go on a date. Let it be a suit or a dress shirt. Something nice." He told her about his past, well, enough to explain the alien business.

"There wear a silver watch. My momma owns a pretty cool place. I'll ask for a reservation under your name. Go get ready and be there at six o'clock tonight!" Zoey ran off and to her car, driving away and leaving the poor half Gulra boy stunned. He didn't have a phone, and even if he did he didn't have her number. Keith stood up and walked to Lance, blushing as he recited what he would say.

"What was that about?" Lance asked, his eyes not leaving Keith's pink cheeks, leading down to his moving lips then up to his eyes.

Keith pursed his lips. He didn't know how to say this so might as well blurt it. With Lances best friends and most likely his family watching. "You, me, date tonight at six," he blurted. "I-I-I mean i-if you c-can-"

Lance kissed his cheek and he stopped stammering. "Where at six?" Lance asked.

"Z-Zoey didn't tell me the name." He stammered again.

"I know the place. Her mom owns it?" Keith nodded. "We can walk to it from here," Lance kissed his cheek again. He's been on enough dates there to know the whole staff and what to wear. A dress shirt, dress pants and dress shoes with a vest over it. "See you at six." Lance smiled and walked off and up to his room. Pidge and Hunk followed and tried to calm him down from his overly happy cry of Keith's name and how his heart was racing. Keith blushed, his arms being grabbed by Coran and Shiro as they dragged him into the ship to find something to wear, Allura already trying to find something.

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