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||•Three Months Later•||

Keith hissed as he looked at his bleeding hand. He hadn't left his room in weeks and wouldn't leave for missions or even form Voltron. The team was left wondering what was happening to him while Lance was worrying for him. Keith...he was a mess. Nightmare every night so he never slept, the Galra in him growing and he knew he was changing in personality, his endurance running like wild. He looked down at his hand as tears hit the wounds. He didn't feel the sting. He couldn't feel. He didn't sleep in Lances room and rather his own with the door locked twenty four seven. They would slip in a few foods for him and Lance would give him pictures of them together or with the others. A few of Lance, Allura, Coran, Hunk, Pidge, Shiro.

He picked up a picture of Lance and his heart palpitated. 'Good.' He thought. He still loved his first joy. His first love. First kiss. First everything. Living in the desert didn't give him a lot of joys but he got things done. He fell back against the door and heard footsteps walk towards the door with his heightened hearing. He heard the footsteps stop at his door and say a shadow from under the door with the light leaving through.They sat down.

"Keith," Pidge. "Knock twice for yes and once for no. Are you still alive?" He waited for a moment before holding his knuckles to the door and hitting it twice. "Are you hungry?" One knock. "Are you tired?" Always. One knock. "Do you miss Lance?" He waited. He held his knuckles to the door and they made a bang when he set them down against it. He waited and hit again and heard Pidge hum. "Can he come in?" No. "Why?"

He hadn't spoken since he barricaded himself inside his room. He would scream, yelp, whimper. He wouldn't speak. He would glare at himself in the mirror, his eyes saying everything they needed about himself. His gold, yellow, demon, alien eyes. They told how he felt. How he hated himself. What he had become. He knocked once again then backed away from the door and huddled into a ball on his bed. He heard footsteps stay at his door, the small amount of light leaking in disappearing. "Why won't he let anyone in?" Shiro.

"I only got knocks. He said no on letting Lance in, so most likely no on letting anyone in." Pidge said.

"Why won't he let anyone in?" He heard a fist hit the door and Keith flinched and hid under his sheets. "Let us in Keith!" He heard Shiro shout. He shivered under himself as he heard Shiro yell at him to open the door, that he was putting the team and all of the universe in jeopardy if he didn't let anyone in.

"Stop it!" Lance. "He's just scared! Leave him alone!"

"He's been alone for over a month Lance," Allura. "He has to open the door soon or else, the universe will fall apart." Keith looked at the door as he saw all the shadows disappear but one.

"Keith," it was the voice he so desperately wanted to see the face too. It was so soft and gently, like it didn't want anything but love. But also, had a sound like it was yearning for something. "Please open the door soon. I know what happened in the cryogenic pod, we all do. Just open the door so I can at least see you. Coran thinks he fixed the problem," Keith crawled over to the door and looked at the bottom of his shoes. "I miss you," two knocks. "I love you." Keith did three knocks then disappeared to the side of his room where the light didn't reach.

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