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Lance didn't let go of Keith for a long, long time. They sat on the floor of his room, crying and hugging. They missed each other so much. Neither wanted to let go. Keith moved his hands to the sides of Lances face and held it in his hands. He studied it. Beat up, a small scar over his upper lip, freckles across his nose, his clothes dirty and a small amount of stubble on his chin. Keith pressed his lips to Lances and he happily kissed him back. Lance let go of the kiss first and gaped for air. "You scared me so much. I-I thought you died." Lance stuttered.

"I'm sorry," Keith looked at Lance who was gazing into his eyes. "You don't think I'm a monster?" His voice was raspy.

"Of course not," Lance couldn't help but laugh at such a stupid question. "You're not Gulra or human. You're Keith Krogan and no one else." Tears wept up in Lances eyes as he latched onto his boyfriend again. Keith held him back and let Lance dig his head into his chest.

"Keith," he looked up and saw Pidge. She wrapped her arms around both boys. Hunk and Coran did the same. Allura and Shiro finally hugged the boys last. They all let go but Lance who was now, soundly sleeping in his arms. Pidge laughed softly. "He hasn't slept since you trapped yourself in here. You should let him rest." Keith gently picked up the taller boy and without effort turned and placed him in his bed. Lance grabbed his arm and pulled him onto the bed and protectively wrapped his arms around Keith. He sighed and let Lance hold him.

The boys woke up hours later and walked out of Keith's room. Lance wouldn't let go of Keith's hand after bandaging both of his bloody fists and cleaning the mess in his room. Keith made him change and take a shower and shave his fail of a beard. They walked to the cryogenic pods and found everyone getting one ready for him. His ears flattened against his head a small whimper escaped Keith's throat. Lance looked over at him and felt Keith squeeze his hand. "Hey," his voice was so soft. It was so calming. "It'll be okay and I'll be right out here to help you." Lance smiled and Keith got into the pod and Lance smiled as it closed.

||•Two Days Later•||

Lance looked at the pod with Keith in it. He would grunt loudly and every time Keith did Lance would cringe. He shoved his hands into his pockets as the pod opened and Keith came wobbling out. Lance caught him and gave him a tight hug. Keith laughed lightly and hugged his boyfriend back. He looked up at Lance and then dug his head into his chest. "Hungry?" Keith nodded against his chest and Lance lead him to the dinning hall. Keith sat down and looked down as Hunk set food in front of him. Everyone else sat down and began to eat, while Keith just stared at the food in front of him. "Something wrong?" He glanced up at Lance then down to his food. He felt his heart speed up with eyes on him. He quickly pushed the bowl away and ran into Lances room.

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