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"Good luck out there Tessa." Keith shook her hand and she nodded, a bright smile on her face. Her black hair bobbed in a ponytail as she adjusted her bag on her shoulder.

"Thanks. I had a spot on the garrison before I was taken. Maybe I still have that spot." She smiled. Keith hugged her before she got into a pod and drove it to the Galaxy Garrison. Lance wrapped his arms loosely around Keith's neck and lightly kissed his neck when he brought his head down. Keith felt Lance start to suck on his neck and bit his lip.

"Boys," Lance looked up at Shiro. "No hickeys period." Lance blushed embarrassingly and nodded with Keith. Shiro laughed as he walked away with the others.

"No hickeys Lance," Keith scoffed as he slightly lifted his shirt to show all the hickeys Lance had left on his body, some hours old, some days, some months old. Lance shyly laughed and Keith crossed his arms. "Why do you do that to me?"

"You do it to me." Lance lifted his shirt to show one hickey on his abdomen.

"Yeah, one. You did hundreds," Lance rolled his eyes and slung his arm around Keith's shoulders and kissed his cheek. "I still hate you."

"I love you too," they walked out of the ship and onto the grassy field to find Hunter and Laura standing and waiting outside. Lance blinked and looked at his siblings then held Keith closer. "What?" Lance lifted a brow.

"Why are you holding Keith?" Laura face palmed at Hunters question.

"Oh," Lance laughed and Keith chuckled lightly. "We're dating." They walked past his siblings and into the house while Hunter stood still with a dumbfound look on his face.

"What?" Hunter yelled and ran into the house. He got to Lances door and found it to be locked.

"Hunter leave us alone!" Lance shouted and Keith laughed as he broke the kiss with Keith who was sitting on his lap while he sat on his bed. He looked up at Keith and kissed his neck lightly. Keith hummed as he played with his hair. "What're you thinking?" Lance looked up at Keith then pulled them over to lie down on his bed.

"I'm just," he shakily let out a breath. "I'm just tired." He dug his head into Lances chest and he sighed but held him.

"Can you tell me what's bothering you?" Lance said softly.

"We've been together for almost a year," Lance blushed. He was right. It was only two days until it would be their one year anniversary. "And I think you're mom hates me."

"Why would you say that?" Lance looked down at Keith while he looked anywhere but up.

"She keeps looking at me weird." He muttered and Lance laughed.

"It's probably the scar that goes from your right eyebrow to the left side of your lip," Keith looked up at Lance. The scar really going from the top of his head on her right side and going at the way to his chin on his left side, going arrows both of his lips leaving a white mark across his pale skin and pink lips. "Don't worry. She loves you she just has mothers worries for people who aren't even her kids." Lance laughed and Keith chuckled and pulled the blanket up on them.

"Can we take a nap?" Keith yawned and Lance nodded, tucking his chin above Keith's head, digging his nose into his hair and smelling his coconut shampoo. The boys fell asleep and Cynthia unlocked the door and placed down a hamper of clothes she cleaned from the ship. She giggled at the boys sleeping. She looked at the scar going across Keith's face and sighed then looked at Lances face. A scar on his eyebrow and lips. He looked at the sparkly piercing on his ears and she shook her head and looked at Keith's ears and growled. She woke the boys up.

"Explain the piercings." She demanded.

"Mom, I know it looks bad but," he licked his lips, eyes not open. "Shiro let us." Lance mumbled and the two fell back asleep. She growled and ran to Shiro who was outside talking to Hunter about Lance and Keith.

"Shiro!" She yelled and looked at her. "How dare you let my son and his boyfriend get piercings!"

"In my defense they asked me at the same time someone else was asking a question so they got the wrong idea when I said yes to him and not them," he held his hands up. "I didn't mean for them to get piercings, or tattoos." He mumbled the last part.

"Tattoos! I didn't see tattoos!" She glared at Shiro.

"They're not that big and we all got them," Shiro pulled up his sleeve and showed the tattoo of a YinYang on his shoulder to her. "Lance has a bluebell on his shoulder blade and Keith has a flame on his shoulder blade," he gulped. "Uh Pidge got a tattoo of the green lion on her hip and Hunk got uh, he got-"

"I got a tribal tattoo that covers my whole right shoulder." Hunk laughed and Cynthia glared at Shiro.

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