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Lance bit his lip as they formed Voltron in the sky, his family watching from the ground. He was scared the garrison would find them. They were close to the base. Even though Lance was raised in Cuba, he was born in the U.S and his family moved there when Cory was born. "...ance! Lance!" Hunk yelled.

"Y-Yeah sorry." Lance shook his head and worked with the rest to make the big sword.

"Dude what were you thinking of?" Hunk asked and Lance sighed.

"I just don't want Voltron to be found and experimented on. We're really close to the garrison." Lance sighed as they made the sword and swished it around.

"So what? We can fight off-"

"No, Keith, Lance is right. We should put our lions back in their hangers and keep them safe." Shiro explained. They departed and put their lions back in their hangers. Lance stayed in his for a little while, Lance talking to Blue and Blue sometimes responding.

"Blue what do I do. I know you and Red are like close and stuff but I don't know what to do," his lion stayed silent. "Now you don't say anything!" Lance stood up and glared at the big metal Lion. "You have done nothing but help me with things and make decisions so now I need you to help me with this!" Lance put his hand on Blues paw and leaned his head against it. "Please..."

"Lance," he looked up to his lion. "If you feel this way about Red tell him. He will understand if you feel this way and I advise you to understand if he does not feel the same."

Keith looked up at his lion and sighed. "Red, I need your help. What do I do about me, and Lance?"

Red Lion stayed silent before speaking in Keith's head. "If you truly feel this way about Blue tell him. He will understand the way you feel but I advise you to understand if he does not feel the same way."

Keith sighed with a small smile. "Tanks Red."

"And pull your hair away from your face. It creates acne." Keith laughed and felt the back of his neck. Fuzz. He pulled his hand away and stuffed it into his pocket. He walked out of the hanger and outside. Keith sat down on the log and felt it roll under him. He grunted and looked up at Lances window, seeing him looking out the window to him. Lance ducked down and Keith blushed and held his arm over his eyes and shakily sighed.

What was that boy doing to him.

||•Six Hours Later•||

Lance looked up from his bed and saw Pidge standing in the door. Lance rolled his eyes and put down his small photo album. "What do you want Pidge?"

"Oh just that Keith isn't allowed to sleep in the ship as long as we're here, but not that you'd care." Pidge walked away laughing and Lance blushed as he heard someone come up the steps. He looked down at the photo album.

"Scoot over Lance," he looked up and glared at Keith as he took of his jacket. "What? I'm tired and Shiro and Allura won't let me in the ship."

"Ugh fine." He moved over and Keith lied down on the bed then sat up and looked at all the pictures with Lance.

"What're you reading?"

"I'm not reading. I'm reminiscing. I'm looking at all the photos of me and my siblings." Lance closed the book and threw it across the room. Keith got up and grabbed it, opening to a page filed with Lance as a baby.

"Is this you?" Keith walked back to the bed and held the book to Lance. He nodded and tried to take the book back but Keith held it out of his reach. "You were actually pretty cute as a kid." Lance blushed and stopped.

"R-Really?" Keith nodded and closed the book and gave it back to him.

Lance threw it to the foot of the bed then lied down, Keith doing the same. "Night Lance."

"Night Keith." Both boys blushing with their backs to each other.

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