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Amy, Kat and Chase stood on one side of Lances room, Shiro, Pidge, Hunk, Coran and Allura on the other with Keith and Lance sitting on his bed. "Amy, Kat, Chase these are my friends from the Garrison, Pidge and Hunk." The two stepped forward. Amy studied Pidge.

"Yo, why'd you put the girl in a suit?" Amy crossed her arms.

"I wanted to be in a fucking suit." Pidge shot back at her. She put her hands up and nodded, a pleased smirk on her face. She loved getting reactions out of people.

"What about the three oldies?" Chase crossed his arms.

"Shiro has the scar, Coran the mustache and Allura has the white hair," they all waved. "Shiro is our captain, Coran our weapons depo and Allura like our motivator." Lance explained. As far as his old friends knew, they were all from the garrison.

"Well if the garrison has motivators like this then I want motivation right now!"

"Chase!" The two girls yelled while he laughed. Keith rolled his eyes and looked at how uncomfortable the team was.

"Oh and the reason why Lance didn't bother to call was because we were all in space flying lions that would form into a giant robot called Voltron that would protect all your asses. Allura and Coran are aliens so no they aren't tattoos but we did get tattoos from an alien mall and we got these scars from fighting aliens." Keith smiled and pointed at the scar across his face.

Lance glared at his boyfriend as the others agreed that that was a pretty solid conclusion of what they were doing. "Keith! You don't just say shit like that!" Lance yelled at him. "Now they'll want to see the ship!"

"Ship?" Chase gulped. "Like, a spaceship?"

"Well, it's more of a castle," Shiro explained. "But it flies like a ship and is really high tech."

"Stop telling them about it!" Lance yelled. The three went silent. The all looked at Lances team like they were aliens. Amy looked over at Lance and was about to scream when Keith walked up to her and looked her dead in her eyes. They flashed yellow and he smiled as the purple spread down his face. His smile was uneasily creepy.

"If you want anything to scream about it should be this." He smiled as his fangs poked through. Amy, Kat and Chase screamed at the top of their lungs. They lunged for the door but Coran quickly hit them with a forgetting gas as Keith changed back to his normal self. He managed to control his Gulra outbursts, mostly using it to entertain small children as their parents were being healed.

They took the three outside as they held their heads and walked off to the lake, speaking to Joshua and Cynthia. A screech erupted through the crowd and Lance jumped as he felt arms wrap around him. "Lance! I missed you so much baby!" Zoey squealed, her red dyed hair in a bun and her brown eyes shut as she hugged him. Her picture was on his wall, all damn over it. They were on again off again so many times in between his girlfriends and her boyfriends. For every new girlfriend Lance got, she got two. He sheepishly laughed as she squeezed him tight. "I'm like, so sorry about your grandma."

"Yeah," Lance sighed. "Me too."

"Why don't we go on a little walk and talk." She hook his arm with hers and they walked off.

The air went still. "Follow?" A devilish smirk broke out along the small group as the one word leaving Keith's lips made a spark light in them.

"Yep." The three teenage Paladins ran and followed Lance and Zoey as they walked into the nearby wood.

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