Zero: Freedom

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Niall and Louis threw their blue hats up in the air, smiling brightly as they then gave the other a huge hug to signify the true end of their high school years, both of them feeling more successful.

They were finally out of the dramatic district, free to live their own lives without anyone to judge them any longer. It felt like a breath of fresh air for the both of them, giving the pair time to calm down before they begin the plentiful years of Uni together.

Louis went to his father though, giving him a big hug as Niall did the same with his mother and father, the smile still evident on his face. He couldn't help but look over at Louis who seemed to be a little upset, but it was obvious why.

His mother had gotten into a plane accident and died instantly from the crash, only having his father left in his life while his sisters were already away at college. Liam, his father, wasn't doing too bad though as Louis seemed to be getting better with his panic attacks and emotions throughout the many years of living without her.

Niall held tight to his parents, making sure that they were always both okay at all times, but he knew that he'd have to leave in a few months for Uni, which made him quite nervous. Leaving them behind, in general, was a scary thought as he'd have to be on his own, with the help of Louis, of course, but it wouldn't last long.

He knew that Liam would visit from time to time though, to make sure that his son would be doing well, but Niall wanted to see Liam too. The Irish male was afraid to admit it, but he had feelings for the elder brunette, having many thoughts of him since he was about fifteen years old.

Niall could never tell Louis though, as it'd be very weird to have genuine feelings for his father. If it were to work out, then he would be Louis' father as well, which was extremely weird to think about when thinking of his future.

The two families left the school minutes after though, the graduates holding their hats and diplomas as they smiled at each other with glee. It was all about their futures now and whatever may come their way, they'd get through it.

They had each other after all, which also gave Louis a sense of relief as there'd be more than enough new people that he'd have to meet daily. That thought scared him as his father had driven them to the Horan's home, his palms beginning to sweat as he looked out of the window.

Liam noticed this and let out a short sigh, growing more and more worried about the young man each and every day, constantly.

“You're going to be fine, Lou. Your best friend is going to be by your side for the most part of every day and I'll be there to visit you at least once a month, yeah? We have this all sorted out and I can promise you that you'll make it through,” Liam had reassured his son, a small smile forming as he continued to drive. Louis sighs from his words, feeling like crying again as he looked at the diploma in his sweaty hand.

“I-I know, dad... It's just... The fact that I will be genuinely alone for those certain bits of time scares me. When Niall needs to work on something with a different person or even just go to different places for his to-do lists. I know that I'll be alone and it scares me so much...” Liam pouted a little, growing upset and having that immense amount of sympathy pour out of him in a matter of seconds that affect him entirely.

He didn't want to leave his son, he didn't want to watch him grow old and walk away to pursue his needs in life, but he had to. Louis had to grow up eventually and that was already difficult to deal with. But Liam had to make things work.

“I can reassure you time and time again that Niall will be free for you, he told me that. Sure he'll have certain things to do, but so will you, Louis. You'll both be extremely busy with homework and projects galore but that's a part of life, yeah? You'll always have your time with Niall and so will I, okay? Like a family.”

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