One: Unfamiliar

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Niall and Louis exited Liam's car, inhaling the new scent that would be taken in every day for the next years of their lives.

They gathered their things in one go with the help of Liam as some of the other college students watched him move in delight. Liam certainly caught the eyes of many and the Irish male couldn't help but get angry.

But Louis was there with them, so he continued to walk, moving closer to Liam's side as they made their way inside of the dormitory in a matter of minutes. They were to stay on the first floor, the room closest to the stairs and near the bathrooms, which was good for them both.

The three then unpacked all of the different belongings and clothing, putting everything in the specific areas and compartments as the blistering heat was harder to deal with. It resulted in Liam removing his second shirt, Niall internally groaning at the wonderful sight.

He continued to work with what he had in his box, brushing Liam's hand with his own very often, which only made his blush deepen. Trying to keep his eyes off of the elder brunette was difficult though, wanting to jump and kiss him so many times, but Louis was always there.

Eventually, once they were finished, Niall went to his desk to look through the schedules that were online, Louis and Liam discussing the different dates that the latter would be there for.

Niall smiled more and more when Liam mentioned he'd be coming a lot more often than he had said before, feeling his heart melt at the fact that he'd be seeing the elder man a lot.

He closed his laptop when typing up his schedule on his phone though, standing up to go over to his bed.

The door was knocked on seconds after he sat down, a groan escaping past his lips as he went over to open it. He was surprised to see someone new, a slightly taller male who was blond, his bottom lip pierced as he smiled from ear to ear at Niall.

His curly locks caught Niall's eye as well, the new male fixing it as people walked by behind him. “I heard there was another freshie on this floor and I was hoping that we could find some way to become friends? I'm basically alone here, besides having my friend Calum, but meeting new people is always a great idea, I think.”

Niall smiled, nodding as he leaned against the doorframe, Louis and Liam conversing behind him on the feathery-haired boy's comfy bed.

“I think it's a good idea, uh...”

“Luke, the name is Luke, and you are?”

“Niall,” the slightly shorter male spoke with a light and happy tone. Luke nodded, shaking the Irish male's hand in order to fully introduce himself in a kind way. Niall felt content, watching the smile on Luke's face stay put.

“Maybe we could swap schedules and figure out days to study and hang out? If that's alright with you, Niall.” The smaller male nodded, glancing back at Louis who was smiling with his father as they spoke.

“We can show each other now, but I promised my friend that I'd be there for him as he adjusts to this new setting. He's quite afraid after all and I can't blame him after what he had gone through.”

Luke nods, gladly taking Niall's schedule from his phone before he hands his off to the Irishman, each taking photos of said schedule. They then slipped their phones away as a more tanned but still thin male came up to them with a small smile.

“Hey Luke, could you help me with my dresser? It's a bit stuck and I can't fix it.” Luke nodded. The other male then walked off as Niall stood there a bit awkwardly.

“Sorry about that. He was my friend, Calum. You'll properly meet him, eventually.” Niall gave him a soft nod, smiling back at Luke when he had smiled.

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