Twenty Four: Our Escape

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Niall had enough time to create a few batches of cupcakes after showering with Liam who sat down in the living room to watch whatever sport was playing on television.

It was just them two and Hailee who sat down in the kitchen with Niall, watching him bake as her eyes were glued to the phone that held every bit of importance to her.

Danielle, Louis, and Harry all went out for dinner to catch up and so her son could introduce her to Harry whose made a huge impact on Louis's life as an entire whole.

“Do you think that we'll stay in touch once you go back to college, Niall? I'm going to be in a different country, so I'm just scared that I'll never get to make sure how you're feeling and such, you know? You have made me realize a lot of important factors about myself, and I want to make sure that Shawn and Cameron don't mess with you in any form.”

Niall let out a small chuckle, waving off the idea of having to deal with the two guys who've only caused trouble and mischief for himself and notable others.

“Don't worry about a thing, Hails. I've got your number and so does all of my friend group, which is only made up of a few people, but that's beside the point.” She chuckles lightly and sets her phone down to maintain eye contact with the young man that brought her enough confidence and happiness to keep going, even if Cameron broke her heart.

“I understand. We just have so much to look forward to in our lives, but I want to make sure that you're going to be okay and genuinely happy with the man whose only gave you love and comfort in all types of forms. Anyone would be lucky to have their own Liam to love and cherish endlessly.” Niall blushes, heart racing over the fact of how lucky and happy he is to have the elder man for the rest of his life.

“You can say that again... He's given me so much hope, confidence, and smiles that I can't even compete with him. I just wish for the day where the two of us will only have to deal with what we're having for dinner. No jobs, no stress, and nobody to worry about; just us being a happy, isolated couple.” Hailee grins at her elder friend, biting her lower lip in thought of what could've been a brighter future.

“And maybe I'll find someone better in the hears to come, because it's certain that we both deserve good men in our lives, and since you found yours and Louis found his in college, maybe it'll be my turn next.” Niall nods, slipping the second batch of cupcakes in the oven before sitting down on his side of the marble island, glancing over at Liam.

“You'll find someone perfect, I'm sure. Liam sure does love to get sucked into the TV whenever possible though, leaving me all alone to my lonely thoughts and neediness.” Hailee giggles lightly as Liam turns his head whilst raising his brow over the younger males words that were heard without a problem.

He stands up from the couch and walks over to Niall smirking, eventually planting his lips against the paler skinned males neck that felt soft and smelled of lavender.

Hailee averts her eyes as the action continues, her and Niall blushing at the same time due to Liam's dominant actions that soon lead to him slipping his hands up the Irish male's shirt and pinching his nipples delicately.

“Don't underestimate me, darling, even if we do have company over, okay?” The deep voice sang deep into Niall's right ear as he nodded as carefully as he could due to getting turned on by Liam who continued to smirk devilishly.

“Y-Yes, sir...” Niall whispered back, earning three pecks to the lips before having to watch Liam go back and sit in the nearby living room that played footie on the TV.

Hailee glances back up to see the Irish young man's cheeks colored a dark shade of pink, appearing shaken up a bit due to Liam's evidently hot, lust filled actions.

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