Twenty Seven: Never Leaving

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Niall put Liam back in their bedroom after breakfast, arms crossed as he stared at him in complete distress.

"How could you ever think that I'd leave you, Liam? I put my heart and soul into trying to get with you from when I was sixteen till we finally kissed... so you seriously think that I'd eventually just break things off?" Niall sighed in anger. "We aren't children anymore, but you sure do sound like a fücking teenager, Liam. This is just... dumb."

Liam nods, eyes shut whilst putting his head against the headboard in defeat over Niall's words. He felt this way for such a long time and said nothing in order to keep their relationship safe, but now the Irishman got mad, and no action to save him could reach his train of thought.

"Love, I... you know how I can be when it comes to real shït like this. Every fiber of my being cares about you, and my love that's all focused on you has never faded, even a little bit."

Liam manages to grab one of Niall's hands with his own, placing a kiss to the base of it before speaking again.

"I've gotten older, the both of us know that very well, and it brings me down because you're so young, still blossoming in the big world with everything on your working shoulders. None of it is the same for me anymore, and you need to realize that for once..." He had to catch his breath a little.

This gave Niall time to think and nod to himself, eyes darting toward Liam's that never looked away, not even for a second.

"I can't connect to how you're feeling, that much is obvious Liam, but crying over all of this isn't the best way to handle it all. You're a grown adult who's been through so much shït in his life, and neither of us wants to endure any more of it as long as we're here together, right?" Liam nods. "Then we need to compromise on what to do to fix it all. There are many solutions, some we've done before without realizing it, but it's all up to you because I want to make sure that you know I love you with every bit of my heart."

Liam smiles a little, already feeling better than how he was beforehand. It brings up him up enough from his slump to kiss Niall with utmost care, hands gently cupping the Irishman's cheeks whilst doing so. Niall kissed back with ease, eyes flickering shut over the gentle yet heated action.

The usual occurred and the younger male had to clean up the mess this time, Liam breathing heavily on the bed in pure bliss over pleasing them both simultaneously for the nth time. Liam never failed to impress himself with how soft he could get for Niall, but that's one of the many things that kept him going.

Niall meant a lot to him, in all of the right ways, and to finally adopt a kid, soon, would only add to that particular flame of appreciation and pure love for the younger man that somehow still dealt with his antics and opinions. The Irishman only cared enough about his state of being, which emphasized a lot about a person, moreover anything else, and Liam realized that wholeheartedly but didn't want to admit it for his own wellbeing. Niall had his own, unknown reasons.

"Baby... is it okay if I stay home for work tomorrow? My boss won't mind, as he never does, and to spend more time with you will calm me down until we finally get the chance to have a baby boy in our arms."

Liam's eyes glued to Niall's as they cuddled in bed after a quick breakfast, running his right hand along the younger males side. The Irishman hums and places his hand over the grown man's, appreciating every detail that he touched.

"Speaking of... I think we'll have the chance to meet with an adoption agency soon. It's a gut feeling." Niall smiles in glee over that thought, wishing he could have his and Liam's eventual baby boy cradled in his grasp.

Liam hums in content, "I wish, my love. All we can do is wait for that phone call and finally start our family. It's going to be worth the wait, so in the meantime, we should do some cleaning. It helps us calm down."

Niall agrees with a short nod, getting up from the bed with Liam following suit, making their way down to the kitchen where all of the cleaning supplies were kept.

They cleaned the house for a few hours, stealing kisses every now and again when either of them had a chance to do so.

Niall organized the living room, dining room, and kitchen, while the elder brunette fixed up their bedroom and bathroom alike, touching up on the guest room that rarely got used.

When they finished, Niall made lunch for them and earned a sloppy kiss on his cheek after Liam entered. He let out a small laugh and properly placed their lips together following that messy interaction, making the grown man grin slyly.

"You know..." Liam grips Niall's waist. "We won't have a lot of time on our hands when we finally get out baby boy. That means not a lot of-"

"I think we can handle a bit of time away from those types of activities, Li. We have done it over fifty times, for sure, so a bit of time away from it will be beneficial if you think about it."

The elder brunette pouts a bit, planting kisses all along the backside of Niall's neck, feeling him up a bit. "Promise me that we'll still get a little bit reckless... whenever we do anything remotely close to sëx, I feel young again, and I want to keep that for as long as possible."

Niall understands him well enough to nod and finish making the lunch, setting their plates with it after kissing Liam.

"No worries. We'll still have time to do those sorts of activities here and there, but most of our focus needs to be on our jobs and eventually our baby boy. They'll be more important than our sëx life, Li."

That particular statement stuck with him when getting a call back from the agency about a week later, giving him and Niall a chance to enter the specified building.

Once they entered, the pair signed in and Andy's friend from before, Malcolm, stepped up to them. He shook their hands and wore a bright smile on his face, ear to ear.

"Hey, you two. I have a few files on a range of kids that may pique your interest. I know you told me that preference isn't necessary, so there's a lot of diversity in here that could help you decide on your baby boy. I hope you find the right one."

Liam takes and scans them each carefully before handing them to Niall, a smile tugged at the corner of his lips.

"So there's quite a few choices: Kyler, Mitchell, and Sean. All of them are babies, just recently put into the agency, and I would take care of them all, but we don't have that time." Niall nods, listening intently as he still read the files. "I think we should see them in person before making a solid decision though, so it'll be easier... right?"

Niall looks up from the files and nods, smiling slightly. "Yeah, I like that idea. We could try and see if one of them looks like either of us, but I'm not sure if that'd be the best idea... who knows what'll happen."

They went into the section where the baby boys were laying in their beds, not getting much attention as the others who got toys and could maneuver easily.

Liam noticed Sean first, the light-skinned boy's eyes gleaming in what seemed appreciation over seeing the two men. He looked up at them, lips parted in the baby fashion, making them coo with adorable he appeared.

"He's got good medical records, his parents were extremely healthy. It all looks good from here, and he's quite adorable. I wouldn't mind parenting a different race, you?" Liam shook his head, smiling a little at the baby boy.

"Not at all. People shouldn't have a single problem with it, but this world is way too cruel."

The Englishman brings a finger down to caress Sean's cheek until watching the baby hold his finger with his own hand. This made Liam and Niall smile brightly, appreciating the sudden action. Sean was way too adorable.

"Do we even have to look at the other two? This little guy has already stolen my heart." Liam sighs at his own words. Niall nods and kisses the elder brunette's left cheek, humming.

"I think we finally have our baby boy, Li."


Author's Note: A shorter chapter, but I hope you all are excited for Niam's mixed baby boy. I, mostly, only see white people in niam stories, so them adopting a mixed baby seemed like a good idea. Hope you like the rest of the story and I love you all x

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