Nine: Why Wait?

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The next weekend rolled around and Niall hadn't talked to Liam since the previous one, giving the elder man some space after talking to him later that night of realization.

He didn't want to be too much of a burden, so letting the man gather his thoughts and think about what he wanted feeling like the right move.

Liam agreed and did what the younger male suggested, finding himself going to work whilst thinking about his future with both Cheryl and Niall respectively.

He hadn't talked to the woman since their last meeting, wanting to settle the situation in person before doing anything else that requires his emotion spouting free. Doing that and figuring out his feelings for his son's friend seemed too difficult for him since he knew Niall, almost everything about him.

Liam felt no regret kissing him though, his thoughts always running back to the heated moment and it always brought a smile to his face, even if he felt broken deep down due to the massive betrayal and heartbreak.

He loved Cheryl to death and would do anything for her, but it certainly wouldn't be like that anymore due to finding the lover letters in his car. Liam wondered why she had put them there in first place, so he'd ask her when the timing seems absolutely right.

Liam did want to meet her before going back to Louis and Niall though, and it worked out as he saw her walk up from the car in the street, one he didn't recognize at all.

She closed the door behind her and looked at Liam with a soft smile, slipping her shoes off before walking with him into the living room.

Her smile faded once she saw the letters strewn across the glass table, heart rate picking up speed as she sat down next to the man who tried his best not to get angry.

"Would you care to explain all of these, Cheryl?" Liam asked outright, looking down at the letters as the anger couldn't help but boil in his veins. She sighed shakily and picked them up, reading through them whilst glancing towards the door simultaneously.

"I don't know what-"

"You know damn well what these are!" Liam's voice boomed as he stood up, looking down at her now with one of the letters crumbling in his left hand. He knew she'd say that.

She began tearing up, nodding as she clutched one of the letters in her hand, knowing that it would end like this.

"Li-Liam, I do... It's just... I needed the attention, the love that I couldn't receive when I'm not with you. Y-You have to understand, I-"

Liam scoffs and shakes his head, letting the crumbled up letter fall to the ground before grabbing the other ones, crumbling each one of them to bits and pieces.

"The only thing that I should understand is Niall's thoughts about you. He knew from the beginning and I was too clouded by my love for you that I couldn't pay attention. Maybe it's a good thing that I decided to kiss him since you were already fücking every other guy known to man..." Cheryl clenched her jaw as she watched the man trash the paper one by one, standing up herself in disgust.

"You kissed Niall? Seriously? How vile can you be?" Liam only became angrier, turning towards the woman with fiery eyes and clenched fists, trying his best to not get too angry for Niall's and Louis' sake.

"I'm not the one who moaned for probably five different guys a week, so don't call me the vile one, Cheryl. At least he turned out to be the one who cared for me all of these years though, as you could've has the decency to bring me along or not even do this charade at all. Such simple solutions, but you're too ignorant to think straight." Cheryl scoffed this time and shook her head, heading towards the front door and Liam followed her every step in anger.

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