Twenty Five: Secrets Known

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It was the end of their first week at the cabin when Niall decided to let an important note slip, sitting down on the couch beside Liam who'd worked on his novel here and there whenever he had the time to do so.

“Li, can you spare a few minutes to talk? It's going to be really important a-and I just want you to hear everything that I have to say, okay?” Liam nods quick, sets his computer down and turns to face the Irishman, hand placed on his left thigh.

“I'm all ears, my love. Go on.” Niall hums and smiles a little, always managing to do just that because of how gentle and soft Liam could get in a matter of seconds.

“I... I made a few mistakes in college when you weren't around, and I regret everything that I did. I got extremely drunk and fooled around with a few guys... Louis told me everything and I just feel so fücking guilty but they meant nothing to me, not a single bit. You can get mad at me if you want for doing such childish actions but I just need you to know that I still love every bit of you, with all of my heart.” Tears filled the younger males eyes as he spoke halfway throughout his small confession, not expecting Liam to bring him into a hug.

“It's okay, my love. We all make mistakes all of the time and you being drunk does give me the right to be angry but for the right reasons. Were the other guys drunk as well?” Niall tried to remember and succeeded after a few moments, shaking his head towards the Englishman.

“They weren't... I think that's confused me the most... or scared me... The two of them were both bigger than me, that's for sure, but I don't remember what they looked like... It couldn't have been them, right?” Liam sighs in frustration, jaw clenching slowly at the thought of Shawn and Cameron ever hurting his baby boy a second time.

“If it was... I'd make sure that they'd pay for what they did to you. They have no right to do such things to someone under the influence of alcohol. It's fücking gross and so are they if it was them who took advantage of you.” Niall begins getting worried because he started hazily remembering the faces when concentrating on the morning after that night.

“I think I vaguely remember seeing Shawn's face since I'm used to noticing his features but I woke up in a room that I wasn't familiar with. It was still a dorm room, though.” Liam nods and lets out a low, angered groan.

“It had to have been them, love. Cameron's room, perhaps? You have to tell the authorities about this before it's too late.”

Niall shrugs and starts picking at his fingernails, that guilt sitting in the pit of his stomach because of an evident issue.

“It's too late for that, Li. That happened more than a year ago and I have no proof that it occurred in any way, shape or form. They'll just have to live on without getting what they deserved and I have to live with that for our sakes.” Liam sighs, moving his hand away from Niall's thigh.

“Why didn't you tell me about this right after it happened, Ni? I could've done something to give them what they deserved and we wouldn't be having this late talk.” Niall feels the guilt pile on even more with Liam's blatant words, heart beating roughly against his chest as he began tearing up.

“I-I don't know, Li... I was so... so fücking scared the morning after but I knew that they'd do something worse if I were to tell on them, you know? It took me a while to let that sink in and I'm sorry, okay? I fück things up way too often and I-”

“Hey hey hey, no you don't, love. I didn't mean to get you even more upset like this, yeah? We don't have to talk about this anymore, and we can just leave all of that in the past because they won't bother us ever again. How does that sound, my love?” Niall nods slowly and sniffles, feeling Liam wipe his tears away at the meantime.

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