Twenty Three: No Way

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Niall's eyes grew in a bit of shock when hearing this, not realizing it was really her until looking into the crystal blue eyes that reminded him of Louis.

“I-I don't know what to say? What are you even doing here, if you don't mind me asking.” The elder woman smiles fairly, locking eyes with Niall who stood close to Liam's side, wrapping an arm around his waist tight enough to feel secure.

“Well, since Hailee here is my daughter, I thought it'd be fitting to meet her new friend and it turned out to be you, Niall. It only seems fair that I'd get to see Liam as well, but where is Louis? I haven't seen him in a while, and I'm sure he'd like to meet me.”

Liam clenches his jaw, getting ready to speak his mind, but he feels his phone buzz enough to keep quiet.

He takes out the cellular device and notices that it's a text from Louis saying that he'll be back at the hotel in a matter of a few minutes time.

The elder brunette knew it'd be wrong if he didn't let Louis meet his mother after such a long time, so she let her and Hailee in graciously, closing the door behind them afterward as he felt uneasy.

Niall noticed this immediately and frowned, placing a fee kisses to the man's face.

“What's wrong, Li? You've got nothing to worry about, right? I'm here to make sure everything doesn't turn out badly, but accordingly in a nice matter.” Liam lets out a much-needed breath, bringing the Irishman into a sudden kiss of relief.

Niall kisses back without hesitation, eyes falling shut in pleasure of feeling Liam's lips that always felt nice against his own.

It didn't last long as the front door was knocked upon, signaling that Louis stood on the other side of it, and his mother knew of it as well.

She walked up to said entrance and opened it herself, surprising Louis in a way that she hoped for as she then felt his arms wrap around her gently.

“Oh, darling... it has been way too long and I sincerely apologize for not being here to watch you grow into such a remarkable young man. I'm hoping that's what you've turned out to be, of course.” Louis nods happily.

“I have. I've grown a lot with Da, Niall and my boyfriend Harry who really wants to meet you.” Danielle smiles fairly, giving her son a nod before sitting down with him on the couch.

This left Niall to sit with Hailee in the kitchen while Liam went to workout in the hotel lifting room, giving his fiancé a kiss before leaving.

“You two are so cute. Do you think I should date my best friend's father?” Niall chuckles, shrugging his shoulders whilst looking over at Louis and Danielle who talked together in glee.

“It all depends if you think it'll be worth the trouble in the end. It took a while for Louis to accept Liam and I being together, but maybe your friend wouldn't care in the slightest?” Hailee shrugs, running her fingers through her hair.

“I don't know. It's all so confusing now that I really think about everything. I mean, I was really in love with Cameron for the longest time, so seeing him and Shawn do that to me struck me hard, you know? But Perrie's dad, he... he understands me perfectly to the point where I need him in my life at all times. He fixes me.” Niall grins a little, relating to Hailee's feelings dead on as they resemble what Liam does for him, but not everything.

“Then have a serious conversation with her first and bring up all that's necessary before speaking to her father. I'm sure it'll go well, even she may seem a little hesitant with the idea at first. If Louis can get through it, so can she.”

Hailee smiles brightly and gives Niall a hug, feeling confident enough to do what's right.

“Thank you, Niall. I want to get this done and over with, so I'll come back later if possible and tell you all that happened.” Niall nods then watches her leave, only after giving her a mother a kiss, before sitting down with Louis and Danielle.

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