Eighteen: Time Flies

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It all went by so fast, Niall packing up everything in the dorm with Louis, with the help of Harry and Liam. The rest of the first year of college turned out easier than the Irishman expected, remembering only bits of it as Liam helped him from time to time when going to see him.

He felt at ease when closing and taping the final box though, Liam picking it up with a small smile and soft grunt due to its size and weight, earning a sweet kiss from Niall as they made their way out, Louis and Harry following behind carefully.

Niall and Louis turned before really leaving though, looking at their door with happy sighs until the both of them caught up to their lovers.

Shawn jogged up to the Irishman as Liam stored everything in the back of the car and trunk, smiling brightly when seeing Niall up close after a while.

“I'll be seeing you in Australia next week, right?” Niall nods, closing the right back door as Liam entered the driver's seat, winking his way.

“Yeah, you will. In the office and before and after hours, right? Will Hailee be there as well?” Shawn smiles a little, humming as a first response.

“Yes, she'll be there. Getting used to her is easy, so don't worry about a thing and everything should turn out okay. See you then, alright?” Shawn pulls Niall into a hug, the smaller male hugging him before stopping the action with a subtle smile.

As Niall then enters the car, Shawn jogs to his own, both of them leaving at similar points in time, heading back to their homes to properly pack.

When Liam and Niall got back home, they began packing, along with Louis and Harry doing the same thing in the next room whilst playing music.

The elder man suggested doing the same thing, but Niall shook his head, wanting to speak to him.

“Promise me that you won't be on Shawn's arse the whole time, Li? He's definitely not going to try anything in the office and especially not when we're alone, or with this Hailee girl.” Liam sighs, raising his hands up in defense before packing up a few more clothing options in the two suitcases.

“Don't worry, darling. I won't lay a finger on him unless he does something that really angers me, deal? I'm not letting him steal you from me.” Niall blushes, going over to Liam to place a kiss upon his lips, molding them together for a few moments.

“Nobody is going to steal you from me, even if someone were to put a magical spell on me.” Liam chuckles, stealing another kiss from Niall before letting him continue to pack his belongings.

The rest of the packing went well, the end of the day allowing them to relax with ice cream and summer movies at their disposal. They still had another week until a genuine vacation with little work, so doing what they were doing felt right.

Niall and Liam found themselves laying in their bedroom before falling asleep though, the younger one of the pair looking up at the elder one with tired eyes and soft yawns leaving past his lips.

“It's a little late now, but when did you want to... you know...” Liam smirks and continues to rub the Irishman's side, kissing his head delicately.

“Make love? Whenever you feel ready enough during this break, darling. Like I said, I won't lay a finger on you until you want me to.” Niall blushes harder than before, bottom lip being bitten as he runs a hand along the man's bare torso and slightly exposed hips that could catch anyone's attention.

“How about the night before we go to Australia? That way, we'll still be in our bed and I know I'll feel really ready by then.” The elder man hums, watching Niall's finger move along the bare skin, shivers running up his spine repeatedly.

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