Ten: Try Hard

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Nighttime rolled around at the dorm and Louis found himself staying in Harry's dorm room instead of his own, leaving Niall and Liam to still lay in the younger one's bed.

The Irishman snuggled up into Liam's side whilst the moonlight hit them both almost perfectly through the window, Niall wide awake as he runs a hand along the elder man's bare chest.

Liam's steady breathing helped him stay awake, listening to his heartbeat as well whilst looking at their entwined hands.

“I don't think I'll be able to handle being away from you every week, Li. You distress me every time you come here and it helps me focus a lot the next day, but I want to see you here every day...” Liam chuckles lightly and squeezes the younger males hand with his own, kissing it afterward with a small smile.

“I understand, love. Summer will come right around the corner and we'll be able to spend it all the way through together. The both of us just have to be patient and I'm sure you can handle it.” Niall sighs but nods, inhaling the man's scent more before sitting up from the bed that held them both so easily.

“Would you wanna go and play some pool? Nobody minds if we're up late, since it is the weekend, but we have to be at least decently quiet for the people who are sleeping.”

Liam nods this time and sits up as well, pulling his shirt and shorts back on while Niall did the same, both leaving the room afterward to walk down the wall where the pool table was.

Neither of them couldn't possibly fall asleep after the long conversation they had, so playing a bit of pool should help them.

Once they made it to the pool tables, Niall grabbed them each a pool cue as Liam set up the table, bending over a little too much as he gently hit the smaller males crotch.

“Jeez, Li. You want me to fück you already?” The man smirked and rolled his eyes, standing upright to grab his pool cue.

“It's going to be the other way around if we ever decide to do such a thing, love. But let's not talk about that right now or I may do something that I'd regret.” Niall feels his cheeks turn warm at the man's words, nodding in understanding as he takes the first hit of the first game they will play.

“Can we talk about your sexuality? You've only ever dated women... before me... Correct?” Niall hits the cue ball as he finishes his sentence, it hitting the group of striped and solid balls clean. Two solids went in.

Liam nodded, waiting for Niall to go again as he sat down in one of the many comfortable chairs embedded into the soft flooring.

“Yeah, I've never thought about it until right when you admitted your feelings for me. It kinda hit me like a truck, but I'm genuinely grateful for it and well... you.” Niall blushes even harder than before, slightly messing up his shot as he hits in a striped for Liam.

“You owe me for messing me up like that.” The elder man rolled his eyes and pecked Niall's lips, slapping his bottom as well before taking his turn this time.

“Does this mean that I'll have to tell you everything about dating men? There are unique things and terms that I'd love to tell you about, and demonstrate even...” Liam smirks and nods a bit, hitting in one of his striped balls into one of the four corners.

“Go right ahead, love. I'd love to hear it all.” Niall nods and sits down with a soft smile, crossing his legs in the small seat.

“First there's bottoming and topping. They're kinda self-explanatory but topping is you or me well, fücking the other, and bottoming is the one who receives the action.” The man hums and hits another one of his assigned balls into a middle hole, licking his lips when glancing at the smaller male carefully.

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