Nineteen: All The Way

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The night before going to Australia came along, Niall finding himself standing in front of a mirror.

He's brushing his teeth carefully, only wearing shorts after the long day of working out, preparing for the workload during the time in Australia, and dealing with Liam who decided to be very needy.

Nothing made him too worried about the man, but when seeing the taller brunette step in front behind him wearing only socks, he knew exactly what would happen in the next hour or so.

His heart rate quickened fairly quick when viewing the man in the mirror before him, leaning forward a bit to spit out the toothpaste, standing back up to then clean the toothbrush and sink itself.

Liam stared at him from behind, biting his lower lip at Niall's every, simple move in the next few minutes, growing an obvious hard-on in the meantime as he couldn't look away from the Irishman.

Once Niall turned around, he raised his brow and examined Liam with careful glances and maneuvers, not knowing what to say to him.

“You've been waiting for this night ever since I brought it up, haven't you,” Niall questioned. He pulled the taller male back into the bedroom when speaking, cheeks turning beet red as Liam groaned.

“Hell yes, I have, baby boy. Imagining every moment every chance I got was what kept me going, and I can't wait to finally give you everything that I've got tonight, sensually...” Niall chuckles a bit, pushing Liam down on the bed before slipping out of his boxers with ease.

“Don't do much talking, Li. Wouldn't want less time to do this with you, hmm?” Liam nods, growing extremely aroused by the Irishman as he got on top of him with careful movements.

It didn't take much longer for Liam to switch their positions, kissing down the smaller males body as the moonlight shined into the room beautifully.

Niall watched Liam work down his body with a small small, mouth ajar as he felt chills run down his spine from the man's gentle kisses and touches.

Liam smiled up at him when feeling the goosebumps on the pale skin. He eventually gets down to Niall's tight hole, licking at it whilst tugging at the slightly smaller length.

The smaller male bucks his hips and moans softly from Liam's actions, eyes falling shut from the moderate pleasure running through his veins.

Liam soon began fingering Niall carefully, licking at his sack when feeling the Irishman's fingers tangling in his hair when doing the evident action.

He added a second then a third finger when growing harder from his own actions, moaning around Niall's hard length when stuffing it down his throat and fingering the male at the same time.

“L-Li... Get inside of me, please...” Liam obeys with any hint of hesitation, pulling away from the hard length with a pop before raising Niall's legs up so he can get comfortable in between them.

Moments pass and he begins to move past the Irishman's tight walls carefully, watching the adorable facial expressions with a smirk as a drawn out and deep moan made its way past his lips.

“You're so tight baby boy, fück...” Liam muttered against Niall's neck after settling into him as smoothly as possible, kissing and nipping at it like before whilst hearing subtle moans now and again.

Niall wraps his legs around Liam's waist to allow the man to go a bit deeper, moaning evidently from extreme pleasure becoming evident.

Liam grins and starts rocking his hips back and forth at a slow pace, sitting up to look down at the Irishman with a clear smirk and quiet moans.

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