Fourteen: Genuine Love

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Niall called Liam before falling asleep later that same day, snuggling in the slightly cool sheets as Louis continued to push through his tiredness and get the homework done.

He usually never waited like he did to finish any sort of task, but an issue surely made it difficult for him to function normally.

The frail brunette only spoke a little to his friend when entering their shared room, getting used to the fact of Niall dating his father at a slow pace, even when deep down he still felt a little bit uncomfortable.

He wanted to his best friend happy though, and if dating Liam had to bring him that happiness, then he'd get used to it for him because hating him for something so simple seemed like an ignorant decision to make.

This bothered Louis throughout his studies though, keeping him up as he heard Niall subtly talking to Liam during the time he chose to stay up and finish the homework.

Hearing the Irishman laugh and giggle, knowing that he smiled throughout the whole conversation made him happy, for sure, but knowing that they were together still gave him that uneasy feeling and he felt bad.

Just thinking about the pair kissing and cuddling like any normal couple sent a chill down his spine, his stomach slightly churning at the thought as well and he hated himself for feeling that way.

Both of them deserved to be happy after dealing with Cheryl and what she had done to the both of them, emotionally, and Louis knew that, but it'd take enough time to deal with it.

He eventually went to bed though, waking up the next morning to see Niall getting ready for another day in the week of college.

Louis got up himself and did his daily routine, giving a quick hug to the Irishman before leaving, and it made Niall a bit confused.

He brushed it off though, gathering his belongings while Louis left for the first class of the day as Liam texted him a few times.

Niall checked the messages and felt his cheeks heating up at the sweet statements, replying back to them quickly whilst walking towards the first class for the day.

Louis sat next to Harry when making it to the classroom, sighing softly as the taller male looked at him with worry etched in his eyes.

“Is there something wrong, love? You look a bit disheveled and that makes me worried.” Louis smiles a bit and rests his head on the green-eyed male's shoulder, lacing one of his hands with one of his own as he sighs.

“I'm alright, Haz. My friend, Niall, and my father are just... together... and it's so weird to think about and I want them to be happy, because they both deserve it, but I can't help but feel uneasy, for some reason.” Harry purses his lips and begins to rub the smaller males side, kissing his head delicately.

“In my opinion, I don't think it's a problem at all, Lou. If they love each other genuinely then it shouldn't be a problem. If your friend becomes your stepfather then that's fine. I don't see any sort of problem with this.” Louis bites his bottom lip and squeezes Harry's hand gently before bringing it up to kiss it.

“It's just really confusing to me, you know? I love them both to death and seeing, thinking about them acting like a couple is-”

“Perfectly normal, darling. I'd only be worried if Niall was in love with your grandfather.” Louis chuckles and subtly rolls his eyes, sitting up properly to find the homework.

“That makes me a little less uneasy about the two of them then, but I still need to talk with my father about the situation.” Harry nods as the professor walks in, taking out the homework as well while Louis texts Liam.

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