Eleven: NSFW

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Niall woke up the next morning to see Liam sitting at his desk, a tray with two plates and drinks sat on it neatly, napkins as well. He smiled when sitting up, alerting the man and his son to look towards him, soft smiles on their faces as well when viewing Niall.

“Did you sleep well, mate?” Louis questioned with a raised brow, taking another bite from his breakfast while Niall stretched his arms.

“Yeah, I did. Had the best sleep in a while, actually. What about you?” The Irishman could see Liam smiling and that only made him smile more, keeping his eyes on Louis.

“I slept really good, yeah. Actually cuddled with Harry last night. We both fought to be the big spoon, but I won.” Niall chuckles and slips out of the bed, still only wearing his boxers which catches Liam's eyes almost instantly. He tried his best to look away, even if Louis focused on the food in front of him.

“When will we get to meet Harry?” The Irishman further questions, placing his hands on the man's shoulders as he continues to focus on Louis. The younger male shrugs.

“I'm not sure. Maybe right now would be good? He's fully awake, so it should give us a good opportunity to speak with him.” Niall nods then goes over to his dresser, pulling out lazy clothes as Liam watches his every move with a subtle bite to his lip.

After Niall pulled some clothes on, he and the other two went to Harry's dorm, Liam and the Irishman walking close to each other as some people gave the man hard looks.

“Looks like everybody wants you, Dad,” Louis spoke with a subtle smirk. Liam rolled his eyes, glancing over at Niall who's cheeks were burnt red from jealousy.

“I know I'm single now, but I'm not interested in sharing my love for people who don't stand a chance with me, Lou.” The frail male nods and stops in front of Harry's door, knocking on it softly before waiting a few moments.

The tall male opens the door with a subtle smile, looking over at Liam with a raised brow and Niall with a bigger grin.

“You must be Louis' father Liam, and his best friend Niall,” Harry spoke, gesturing to Liam then the Irishman respectively. The two nod and smile back at the green-eyed male, Liam shaking his hand for a genuine greeting.

“Louis told me a lot about you this morning and I just had to meet you for myself. May we come in,” Liam questioned, raising his brow as Louis stared at Harry dreamily.

“Of course, come on in. I've just been working on my studies and getting some homework done,” Harry explained, letting the three in to close the door behind them afterward.

Niall and Liam sat on one bed and Harry and Louis on the other, the eldest one of them all getting comfortable to speak fluidly.

The conversation lasted about an hour, Liam and Niall getting to know Harry more in that span of time and developing a friendship with the male that's older than Louis.

Niall and Liam left the room together though, Louis wanting to stay with Harry for a bit, allowing the couple to go back to the younger one's dorm room for a little alone time.

When they made it back, Niall locked the door and sat down on the bed next to Liam, looking at him in the eyes as the thought of not seeing the man for a little while crossed his mind and saddened him deeply.

“Promise me you'll call later tonight? At least for a little bit, love.” Niall nodded at Liam's pleading, running his fingers through the man's locks that felt completely soft.

“I will don't worry, Li. Just as long as you remember to not drink tonight, for my sake.” The man nods slowly and presses his lips to Niall's lips, humming in content when being kissed back without hesitation.

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