Twenty Six: Assistance & Worries

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Niall pondered the thought of having a child since Liam brought it up a few weeks. They'd gotten home and dealt with strenuous hours at work until finding an appropriate time to talk about adoption again.

The Irishman handed Liam a cup of tea before sitting down, sipping at his own before speaking up about the topic.

“We have to get a license, or be able to have the opportunity to adopt, right? It's way too damn complicated since we're both apart of the LGBT community.” Niall let out a long sigh.

Liam nods but places a reassuring hand on his lover's left thigh, calming him down almost immediately. “Yes, there's a lot of paperwork and patience necessary, but it's all worth it in the end. I've got a friend who married his husband not too long ago and it took them only about two weeks to get the chance to adopt. That isn't too long, right?”

Niall shook his head, placing a free hand upon Liam's that kept its place for the next few minutes. “No, not at all.” The Irishman sighed. “I just it was easier for us, Li. You want to have kids and I do as well. We both have clean pasts and we've shown that we're capable of doing anything with how hard the two of us work. It just pisses me off...”

Liam takes Niall's hand and brings the base of it to his lips, pressing a gentle kiss to calm the younger male down.

“I know all of this, love. I've watched the world grow and change longer than you have with my very own eyes. We're lucky enough to be able to walk out in public with such confidence and comfort on our shoulders. Even then, people still judge, ridicule us for portraying love in the way we want to. We just have to keep fighting and show the world that nothing nor anybody can bring us down.”

Liam's words genuinely calm Niall down enough for him to squeeze the elder brunette's hand gently and intertwine their lips together in a short, sweet kiss filled with love.

Once Liam pulled away, he kept a small smile on his face until seeing his phone buzz against the glass table. He picks it up and realized that it was his friend, Andy.

“Hey! How are you doing? I'm with Niall at the moment, so what's up? How's Chase?” Liam wore a bigger smile across his face when asking each question. He missed each of his friends to bits, leading him into asking so many questions when getting the opportunity to speak with them.

“I'm doing wonderfully. Edward and I are currently taking a break from doing anything extravagant, and Chase is currently giggling his little head off and I cannot smiling at this little guy. Have you and Niall thought about adopting, or is it not going to happen?” His voice sounded optimistic and carefree. Liam missed those days, for sure, but Niall always brought a smile to his face, without failure.

“He and I are actually in need of getting that done. With work constantly resting on our shoulders, it's tough to get other things done.” Liam hears humming on the other side of the phone. It surprisingly calms him down a little, as well.

“Why don't Ed and I help you? Well, we know someone that works near you, so it'd make things a lot easier if you knew and could trust the person, I'm sure. I'll give him a call and have him arrange everything so you can prepare yourselves for getting the papers and all that.”

A huge weight of stress falls off Liam's shoulders right after hearing those specific words. It gave him a sense of encouragement and desire to adopt a baby boy sooner than he anticipated.

Work would have to get cut down enough for either him or Niall, but the obvious choice for him was the Irishman that already takes care of more than just himself around their house. Liam always wants to help Niall out with chores, but the younger male insists on doing it himself every time. Liam would win eventually.

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